Finite-Size, Fully Addressable DNA Tile
Lattices Formed by Hierarchical Assembly Procedures (ppt)
Principal Component Analysis of the
pH-dependent Conformational Transitions of Bovine β-lactoglobulin
Monitored by Heteronuclear NMR (ppt)
Polymorphism of human telomeric quadruplex
structures (ppt)
Direct NMR Detection of Alkali Metal Ions
Bound to G-Quadruplex DNA (ppt)
Fluorescent DNA Nanotags Based on a
Self-Assembled DNA Tetrahedron (ppt)
Real-time multidimensional NMR follows RNA
folding with second resolution (ppt)
Model-based analysis for kinetic
complexation study of Pizda and Cu(II) (ppt)
Scatter plotting in multivariate data
analysis - Combination of Tucker3 model with cluster analysis for
the assesment of the microbiological activity on benzimidazolium
salts (ppt)
Three-mode principal components analysis of
monitoring data from Venice lagoon (ppt)
Protein misfolding diseases (Alzheimer’s) (ppt)
Analysis of cooperativity by isothermal
titration calorimetry (ppt)
Introduction to self-assembling DNA
nanostructures (ppt)
Classification of organic molecules to
obtain electron affinities from half wave reduction potential: The
aromatic hydrocarbons (ppt)
Ligand binding to one-dimensional
lattice-like macromolecules: Analysis of the McGhee-von Hippel
theory implemented in isothermal tiration calorimetry (ppt)
Different loop arranegments of
intramolecular human telomeric (3+1) G-quadruplexes in K solution (ppt)
Differentiating geometrical isomers of
retinoids and controlling their photo-isomerization by complexation
with cyclodextrins (ppt)
Discrete Wavelet Compression of Two-way and
Multi-way Data (ppt)
The Chemistry of Climate (ppt)
Vitamin Losses During Food Storage and
Processing (ppt)
Spectrophotometric Thermodynamic Study of
Orientational Isomers Formed by Inclusion of Methyl Orange into
β-Cyclodextrin Nanocavity (pdf)