The hybridization of two 21mer oligonucleotide strands of DNA (ssDNA),
At (5′-fluorescein-ATG TGG AAA ATC TCT AGC AGT-3′) and Bt (5′-ACT GCT AGA GAT TTT CCA CAT-Texas red-3′) was recorded in the presence of gold nanoparticle (AuNP) solution (13 nm) [Anal. Chem. 84 (2012) 6603–6610].
At and Bt in this study belong to the genome of HIV. Titration included the addition of different volumes of Bt to 50 μL of 5mM At in 400 μL of 10mM phosphate buffer solution (PBS) accompanied by 0.05M NaCl with pH = 7.3 and 500 μL AuNP solution.
At each step of the titration, 10 μL of 5mM Bt was added to the At-AuNP solution that results in final concentrations of 0.258 μM and 2.047nM for At and AuNP in six steps.
An EEM fluorescence data matrix was recorded at each titration step and stacking them, a 3D fluorescence data array was obtained. For further information about the details of the data set please see reference]
Designed by Abtin Khodadadi
Edited by W.Farrokhi Kurd