Educated at
- Tehran Univ., Iran,1950-1953;
- Univ. of Toronto, Canada 1958-1960;
- Univ. of Chicago, USA, 1960-1963;
- B. Sc. Physics, 1953;
- M.A., Physics 1960;
- Ph.D., Astronomy and Astrophysics, 1963.
Associate Fellow
- Center for Theoritical Physics and Mathematics, AEOI, Tehran, 1986-to date;
- International Center for Theoritical Physics(ICTP), 1987-1993;
- in High school in Tabriz, Iran, 1953-1956;
- Cartographic Organization of Iran, Tehran, 1956-1958;
Visiting Associate Professor
- Dept. of Physics, Shiraz Univ., 1964-1971;
- Dept. of Astronomy, Univ. of pennsylvania, 1968-1969;
- Birouni Observatory, Shiraz, Iran, 1971,
- Institute for Advanced Studies in Basic Sciences, Zanjan, Iran 1991.
1st ECOSF and UISMS jointly hosted Lecture on Popularising Mathematics and Science, by Prof. Yousef Sobouti (July 25, 2023)
Click here to watch the speech.
To download the report, Click here.
Astronomy in Iran (November 3, 2021; ICRANET-Isfahan Astronomy Meeting)
Click here to watch the speech.
The unwritten writings of experimental sciences (July 14, 2021; 26th Special School on Topics in Physics, IASBS)
Click here to watch the speech.
To download the article, Click here.
On the lofty position of the teacher (Dialogue with Professor Yousef Sobouti) (May 11, 2021; Broadcast on the Education Ministry's Shaad (Happy) Education Network)
To watch the video clip of Prof Yousef Sobouti's meeting please Click here.
The cultural burden of knowledge and new technologies (April 18, 2021; "Celebrating the National Laboratory Day and the Birthday of Hakim Ismail Jorjani" Cermony, Shiraz University)
Click here to watch the speech.
Higher Education Studies in Iran: Lived Experience of Scholars (Seventh Session: Prof Yousef Sobouti) (March 9, 2021; 7th session of a series of online meetings on "Higher Education Studies in Iran: Lived Experience of Scholars", Institute for Research and Planning in Higher Education)
To watch the talk please click here.
Commendation of Iranian veteran physicists (Professor Yousef Sobouti lauded as veteran physicist at Nationwide Physics Meeting) (January 12, 2021; Nationwide Physics Meeting, Iranian Physical Society (PSI))
To watch the speech click here.
Using science to build understanding (THE WORLD ACADEMY OF SCIENCES (TWAS), August 25, 2017)
Click here to read the lecture.
Understanding Others the Science Way (2017 Paolo Budinich Science and Diplomacy lecture, AAAS-TWAS Summer course on Science and Diplomacy, Trieste, August 24, 2017)
Click here to read the lecture.
Reflections on Iran's Climate-Related Issues (Climate Change Workshop, (France – United States – Iran), Les Treilles, France, October 19 – 23, 2015)
To read the lecture, click here.
Notes on Iran's higher education, pre-1979 (2nd International Conference on Advanced Science and Technology For Sustainable Development in Iran, Freie Universitat Belin, Germany, August 8-10, 2015)
To read the lecture, click here.

Positions Held
Research, Associate, Dept. of Math., University of Chicago, summer, 1963
Lecturer, Dept. of Math., University of Newcastle on Tyne, 1968-1964
Associate Professor, Physics, Shiraz University, 1964-1970
Visiting Associate Professor, Astronomy, University of Pennsylvania, 1968-1969
Visiting Associate Professor, Physics, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, 1970-1971
Founder, Biruni Observatory of Shiraz University, 1971
Founding Director, Biruni Observatory of Shiraz University, 1971-1981
Professor of Physics, Shiraz University, 1971 to 1999
Chairman, Physics Department, Shiraz University, 1972-1974 and 1978-1980
Visiting Senior Researcher, Astronomical Institute, University of Amsterdam, 1975-1976
Member of the Council of Shiraz University, 1976-1979, 1989-1991
Visiting Scholar, Astronomy and Astrophysics Center, University of Chicago, 1984-1985
Associate fellow, International Center for Theoretical Physics, 1987-1993
Fellow, The World Academy of Sciences (TWAS), 1987 – present
Fellow, Iran Academy of Sciences, 1988 – present
Visiting Professor, Physics Department, Northeastern University, Boston, 1991-1992
Founder, Institute for Advanced Studies in Basic Sciences (IASBS), 1992
Professor of Physics, IASBS, 1991-2021
Founding President, IASBS, 1992-2010
Founder, Center for Research in Climate Change and Global Warming, IASBS, 2012
Founding Director, Center for Research in Climate Change and Global Warming, IASBS, 2012-present
Head, Academy of Sciences of Iran, Basic Sciences Branch, 2012-2019, 2022 –present
Adjunct Professor, International Center for Relativistic Astrophysics Network (ICRANET), Pescara, Italy, 2015
a Gallery Events Prof. Sobouti attended throughout the recent years
Lycosa soboutii sp. n. The species name is a patronym, honoring the contemporary Iranian theoretical physicist, Yousef Sobouti (b. 1932, in Zanjan, Iran).
Recipient of Medallion for Excellence in Research, Government of Iran, 1978
Fellow of The Third World Academy of Sciences, elected 1987
Fellow of The Academy of Sciences of Iran, elected 1990
Award of the Book of the Year of the Islamic Republic of Iran, 1995
TWAS 2000 Medal Lecturer in Physical Sciences, Tehran, October 2000
Khwarazmi Award. 2001
The Lasting Face in Science, Tehran, October 2001
Iranian Physics Association celebration, Called the annual physics conference in 2002 as Sobouti’s conference, 2002
Afzalipour Award, for Outstanding Research in Physics, 2005
Islamic Development Bank, Prize in Science and Technology for Institute for Advanced Studies in Basic Sciences – Zanjan under the directorship of Prof Yousef Sobouti, 2006
Chair of Research in Physics, Fund for Research Support in Iran, 2007
Exemplary Professor, “Ministry of Science, Research and Technology”, 2008
TWAS Regional Office Prize for Scientific Institution Building in Central and south Asian Region, Bangalore, 2012
Allamah Tabtabaee Prize, as Distinguished Scientist, Tehran, 2013
Selected scientist of the Academy of Sciences, and proposed to the President to receive the 1st degree scientific award, 2013
Lauded as a veteran physicist at a nationwide Physics Meeting, Iranian Physical Society (PSI), 2021
Selected as the 34th Khwarizmi International Award's, “First Rank Special Award” winner and praised for his “Lasting Role in the Development of Education and Research”, 2021
The 650th Bukhara Night: Yousef Sobouti Night, 05/01/2023; Unveiling the book of “Basic Sciences of Zanjan: Story of the Foundation of the Institute for Advanced Studies in Basic Sciences”, narrated by Y. Sobouti, Founder; Mandana Farhadian, Editor; Nashr e Ney, Publisher, 2023
Memberships and fellowships in societies and scientific organizations:
- Founding member and member of the Board of Directors of the Physical Society of Iran, 1983-1988, President, 1989-1991 and 1996-2000
- Founding member of the Astron. Soc. of Iran, 1987, President 1987-1993 and 1996-9
- Member of the American Astronomical Society, 1968-2002
- Member of the International Astronomical Union, Commissions 28, 35, 1969 present
- Founder of Birouni Observatory, Shiraz, Iran, 1971
- Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Board of Advisors, 1971-1976, Board of Editors 1983 -1990
- Iranian Journal of Physics, Board of Advisors, 1987 - present
- Member of the Third world Academy of Science, 1987 - present
- Member of the Academy of Sciences of Iran, 1989 - present
- Member of the Scientific Council, International Center for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy, appointed by UNESCO and IAEA, 1989-1992
- Founder of Institute for Advanced Studies in Basic Sciences, Zanjan, Iran 1991
- Member of Board of Trustees of The Regional Library of Science and Technology, appointed by the Ministry of Culture and Higher Education of Iran, 1991-1998
- Member of the Board of Trustees of the University of Medical Sciences of Zanjan, 2004
- Member of Technical Advisory Committee of Commission on Science and Technology for Sustainable Development in the South (COMSATS), 2004
- Member of the International Advisory Committee, Marcel Grossmann Meetings, a la Sapiensa-based (Rome, Italy) annual conference in Honor of Marcel Grossman, the mathematician who helped Einstein to formulate his General Relativity, 2006 - present
- Founder of Sufi School of Business, a graduate school, stationed in Zanjan, in progress since 2015
- Journal of the Eurasian Astronomical Society, Astronomical and Astrophysical Transactions (AapTr), Vol. 33, No. 3., Cambridge Scientific Publishers, Coll. «Astronomical and Astrophysical Transactions», Guest Editor, 2022
Papers ,
Persian Writings ,
- Sobouti, Y., “Three arguables: point particle singularity, asymmetry in EM and quantum waves, and the left out restricted Lorentz gauge from U(1), revised and abridged”, Astron. Rep. 67 (Suppl 2), pp. S134–S139, https://doi.org/10.1134/S1063772923140196, (2023) Download
- Sobouti, Y., “Three arguable concepts: point particle singularity, asymmetric action of EM on quantum wave functions, and the left out restricted Lorentz gauge from U (1)”, Quantum Studies: Mathematics and Foundations, 10(2), pp. 223-236, DOI: 10.1007/s40509-022-00290-0, (2023) Download
- Ruffini, R., Sobouti, Y., “A friendly exchange between Professor Remo Ruffini and Professor Yousef Sobouti during the editorial preparation of the Proceedings publication”, in Euro-Asian Astronomical Society, - (dir.), Astronomical and Astrophysical Transactions, Vol. 33, No. 3., Cambridge Scientific Publishers, Coll. «Astronomical and Astrophysical Transactions», France, ISBN : 9781908106803, pp. 185-186, doi : https://doi.org/10.17184/eac.7520, (2022) Download
- Sobouti, Y., “Astronomy in Iran (an update, 2021)”, in Euro-Asian Astronomical Society, - (dir.), Astronomical and Astrophysical Transactions, Vol. 33, No. 3., Cambridge Scientific Publishers, Coll. «Astronomical and Astrophysical Transactions», France, ISBN : 9781908106803, pp. 187-190, doi : https://doi.org/10.17184/eac.7521, (2022) Download
- Sobouti, Y., “Astronomy in Iran, an update, 2021”, IUT International E-Newsletter, Volume 3, Special Issue, November 2021, pp. 9-10, (2021) Download
- Sobouti, Y., “Massive Gravity as an Alternative Gravity”, Gravitation and Cosmology, Vol. 26, Number 1, pp. 1–6, (2020) Download
- Sobouti, Y., “An Oscillator representation of elementary particles”, Journal of Physics Communications, Volume 2, Number 8 (2018)2 Download
- Sobouti, Y., “Iran’s commitments toward meeting the goals of Paris Agreement: harnessing the global temperature rise”, Региональные проблемы 21 (COP21), no. 3 (1), pp. 112-114, DOI:10.31433/1605-220X-2018-21-3(1)-112-114, (2018) Download
- Sobouti, Y., Jahani Poshteh, M. B., “A cosmological model with time varying cosmological constant”, (2017) Download
- Sobouti, Y., “Harmonic Oscillators and Elementary Particles”, arXiv:1608.04598v1 [physics.gen-ph], (2016) Download
- Sobouti, Y., “Lorentz Covariance 'almost' implies electromagnetism and more”, Eur. J. Phys. 17 180–2. IOPscience, (2015) Download
- Sobouti, Y., Darvishzadeh, R., Naghavi Azad, A., “Climate of Iran-Projection of Temperature and Precipitation until 2030”, Science Cultivation 5 (2), pp. 18-25, (2015) Download
- Sobouti, Y., “Minimalist's Electromagnetism - Different Axioms and Different Insight”, 1-4, (2013) Download
- Moravveji, E., Guinan, E. F., Sobouti, Y., “On the Mass and Evolutionary Status of the Bright Red AGB Supergiant α1 Herculis in Why Galaxies Care about AGB Stars II: Shining Examples and Common Inhabitants, Edited by F. Kerschbaum, T. Lebzelter, and R.F. Wing. San Francisco”, Proceedings of a conference held at University Campus, Viena, Austria, 16-20 August 2010, Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2011, 163-164, (2010) Download
- Sobouti, Y., “Dark Companion of Baryonic Matter in Spiral Galaxies in DARK MATTER IN ASTROPHYSICS AND PARTICLE PHYSICS, Edited by Hans Volker Klapdor-Kleingrothaus, Irina V Krivosheina”, Proceedings of the 7th International Heidelberg Conference on Dark 2009. Held 18 - 24 January 2009 in Christchurch, New Zealand, Published by World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., 2010. ISBN: 9789814293792, 356-362, (2010)
- Hasani Zonoozi, A., Haghi, H., Sobouti, Y., “Stellar population synthesis, a discriminant between gravity models”, Astron. & Astrophys., 1-13, (2010) Download
- Hasani Zonoozi, A., Haghi, H., Sobouti, Y., “Distinguishing between different alternative theories of gravity, using different IMF’s in stellar population synthesis models”, 14th Meeting on Research in Astronomy at IASBS, (2010)
- Moravveji, E., Guinan, E. F., Wasatonic, R., Sobouti, Y., Nasiri, S., “Investigating the Semi-Regular Light Variations of the bright M5 supergiant: α Herculis”, Astrophys. Space Sci., 328: (1), 113-117, (2010) Download
- Sobouti, Y., “Dark companion of baryonic matter”, arXiv:0810.2198v1 [gr-qc], 1-4, (2009) Download
- Sobouti, Y., “Dark companion of baryonic matter - Logarithmic potentials are inherent to GR”, arXiv:0812.4127v1 [gr-qc], 1-4, (2009) Download
- Sobouti, Y., “Dark companion of baryonic matter-Beyond the point source”, (2009) Download
- Sobouti, Y., “Dark companion of Baryonic matter, III”, arXiv:0903.5007v1 [gr-qc], 1-4, (2009) Download
- Sobouti, Y., Hasani Zonoozi, A., Haghi, H., “Tully-Fisher relation, key to dark companion of baryonic matter”, Astron. & Astrophys. (A&A), 507: (2), 635-638, (2009) Download
- Sobouti, Y., “Dark companion of baryonic matter in spliral galaxies”, arXiv:0812.4127 [gr-qc], 1-3, (2008) Download
- Sobouti, Y., “Review of Cosmic Anger: Abdus Salam — the First Muslim Nobel Scientist”, MAA Online (The Mathematical Association of America), Publisher: Oxford University Press, ISBN: 9780199208463, 1-305, (2008)
- Sobouti, Y., “The Morality of Exact Sciences”, Science and Technology and the Future Development of Societies: International Workshop Proceedings (2008), 10-13, (2008) Download
- Dadashi, N., Safari, H., Nasiri, S., Sobouti, Y., “Exact solutions for standing kink modes of the longitudinally stratified coronal loops”, Solar Physics, arXiv:0802.1322v1 [astro-ph], 1-10, (2008) Download
- Rahvar, S., Sobouti, Y., “An Inverse f(R) Gravitation for Cosmic Speed up, and Dark Energy Equivalent”, Mod.Phys.Lett.A, V. 23 (2008), 1929-1937, (2008) Download
- Sobouti, Y., “Revised Dynamics or Dark Matter in Galactic and Extra Galactic Scales?”, Astronomy & Astrophysics (A & A), (2008) Download
- Etemad, Sh., Sobouti, Y., “Trends in Basic Sciences in Contemporary Iran: Growth and Structure of Mainstream Basic Sciences”, In Science and Technology and the Future Development of Societies, Editor: Glenn Schweitzer, National Research Council of the National Academies, the National Academies Press, Washington, D. C., 24-30, (2008) Download
- Schwitzer, G., Sobouti, Y., “Understanding others the science way”, Proceedings of the Workshop on “Science the Gateway to Understanding, Tehran, October 2008”, 37-43, (2008) (Editors: Glenn Schwitzer and Yousef Sobouti, The National Academies Press, Washington, D.C., 2008) Download
- Ter-Kazarian, G. T., Sobouti, Y., “An Extended Phase-Space Stochastic Quantization of Constrained Hamiltonian Systems”, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor., 41: (31), 315303-1-315303-8, (2008) Download
- Schweitzer, G., Sobouti, Y., “Science as a Gateway to Understanding: International Workshop Proceedings, Tehran, Iran”, Publisher: The National Academies Press Washington D.C., ISBN: 0-309-12880-3 , 1-184, (2008) Download
- Sobouti, Y., “a f(R) Gravitation for Galactic Environments in THE ELEVENTH MARCEL GROSSMANN MEETING On Recent Developments in Theoretical and Experimental General Relativity, Gravitation and Relativistic Field Theories, Edited by Hagen Kleinert, Robert T Jantzen”, Proceedings of the MG11 Meeting on General Relativity. Held 23-29 July 2006 in Berlin, Germany, Published by World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., 2008. ISBN: 9789812834300, 1230-1232, (2008)
- Sobouti, Y., “An f(R) Gravitation for Galactic Environments”, Astron. & Astrophys. (A&A), 464: (3), 921-925, (2007) Download
- Sobouti, Y., “An f(R) Gravitation for Galactic Environments”, Galaxy Evolution Across the Hubble Time, Edited by F. Combes and J. Palous, Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union 2, IAU Symposium No.235, held 14-17 August, 2006 in Prague, Czech Republic. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007, 138-138, (2007) Download
- Sobouti, Y., “Astronomy in Iran”, Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union 2(SPS5), August 2007, 147-148, (2007) Download
- Nasiri, S., Safari, H., Sobouti, Y., “Damping of MHD Waves as Heating Mechanism of Solar Corona”, Solar and Stellar Physics Through Eclipses ASP Conference Series, Vol. 370, proceedings of the conference held 27-29 March, 2006 at Ankara University, ÖRSEM Campus, Side, Antalya, Turkey. Edited by O. Demircan, S. O. Selam, and B. Albayrak. San Francisco, 370, 68-73, (2007) Download
- Saffari, R., Sobouti, Y., “Erratum An f(R) gravitation for galactic environments”, A & A , 472: (3), 833-833, (2007) Download
- Safari, H., Nasiri, S., Sobouti, Y., “Fast Kink Modes of Longitudinally Stratified Coronal Loops”, Astron. Astrophys. (A&A), 470, 1111-1116, (2007) Download
- Sobouti, Y., “Trends in Basic Sciences in Contemporary Iran: The Growth and Cognitive Structure of Mainstream Basic Sciences”, To appear in the proceedings of the “Interacademy Workshop on Science & Technology and the Future Development of Societies”, Fondation des Treilles, Nice, June 26 - July 1, (2006)
- Safari, H., Nasiri, S., Sobouti, Y., “Oscillations of longitudinally density stratified coronal loops”, Astronomy & Astrophysics, arXiv:astro-ph/0605566v2, 1-6, (2006) Download
- Sobouti, Y., “The Effect of Density Stratification on the Modal Structure of Solar Coronal Loops”, 26th meeting of the IAU, Joint Discussion 3, 16-17 August 2006, Prague, Czech Republic, JD03, 45-45, (2006)
- Sobouti, Y., “An f(R) gravitation instead of dark matter”, Astron. & Astrophys. (A&A), (2006) Download
- Safari, H., Nasiri, S., Karami, K., Sobouti, Y., “Resonant Absorption in Dissipative Flux Tubes”, Astron. & Astrophys. (A&A), 448: (1), 375-378, (2006) Download
- Nasiri, S., Sobouti, Y., Taati Asil, F., “Phase Space Quantum Mechanics – Direct”, J. Math. Phys., 47: (9), 092106-1-092106-15, (2006) Download
- Sobouti, Y., “An f(R) Gravitation for Galactic Environments”, Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, Volume 2, Issue S238 (Black Holes from Stars to Galaxies – Across the Range of Masses), Published online by Cambridge University Press: 01 August 2006, 451-452, (2006) Download
- Sobouti, Y., “Revised Dynamics or Dark Matter in Galactic Scales?, Edited by W. Sutantyo; P.W. Premadi; P. Mahasena; T. Hidayat and S. Mineshige”, The 9th Asian-Pacific Regional IAU Meeting, held in Nusa Dua, Bali, Indonesia, 26-29 July 2005. ISBN: 979-3507-63-2, Publisher: Institut Teknologi Bandung Press, 2006, 218-218, (2006)
- Sobouti, Y., “Dark matter or the other dynamics”, Iranian Journal of Physics Research, 5: (3), 113-119, (2005)Download
- Sobouti, Y., “Dynamics of Compact Objects”, Proceedings of 10th IASBS Conference on Astronomy, Feb., (2005) Download
- Sobouti, Y., “Alternative Dynamics or Dark Matter”, The 9th Asian Pacific Reginal IAU Meeting (APRIM 2005), July 26-29, Bali, Indonesia, (2005)
- Sobouti, Y., Karami, K., Nasiri, S., “Flux Tube Oscillations and Coronal Heating”, IAU 8th Asian-Pacific Regional Meeting, 1, 409-412, (2003) Download
- Safari, H., Sobouti, Y., “An Exact Property of Small Oscillations of Rotating Stars in Solar and Solar-Like Oscillations: Insights and Challenges for the Sun and Stars”, 25th meeting of the IAU, Joint Discussion 12, 18 July 2003, Sydney, Australia, (2003)
- Karami, K., Nasiri, S., Sobouti, Y., “Normal Modes of Magnetic Flux Tubes and Dissipation”, Astron. & Astrophys. (A&A), 396: (3), 993-1002, (2002) Download
- Sobouti, Y., “Symmetries and Eigensolutions of Liouville’s Equation”, XXIII International Colloquium on Group Theoretical Methods in Physis Proceeding of the Colloquium, 2, 569-575, (2002)
- Sobouti, Y., Rezania, V., “The r-modes of rotating fluids”, Astron. & Astrophys., 375: (2), 680-690, (2001) Download
- Sobouti, Y., “Eigensolutions of Antonov’s Equation, in Stellar Dynamics: from Classis to Modern”, Eds. Saint Pteresburg State University, 379-384, (2001) Download
- Sobouti, Y., “Symmetries and Eigensolutions of Liouville’s Equation, in Group Theoretical Methods in Physics”, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in press, (2001)
- Sobouti, Y., Rezania, V., “Liouville’s Equation in Post Newtonian Approximation II. The Post Newtonian Modes”, Astron. Astrophys., 345: (3), 1115-1122, (2000) Download
- Rezania, V., Sobouti, Y., “Liouville’s Equation in Post Newtonian Approximation I. Static Solutions”, Astron. Astrophys., 345: (3), 1110-1114, (2000) Download
- Sobouti, Y., “Symmetries and eigensolutions of Liouville's equation”, Proceedings, 23rd International Colloquium on Group Theoretical Methods in Physics (GROUP 23) : Dubna, Russia, July 31-August 5, 2000, 569-575, (2000)
- Sobouti, Y., “Eigensolutions of Antonov's Equation in Stellar Dynamics: From Classic to Modern”, Proceedings of the International Conference held in Saint Petersberg, August 21-27, 2000, 379-384, (2000)
- Sobouti, Y., Rezania, V., “Normal modes of relativistic systems in postNewtonian approximation”, arXiv:astro-ph/9804131v1, 1-22, (1998) Download
- Rezania, V., Sobouti Y., “Integrals and static solutions of general relativistic Liouville's equation in post Newtonian approximation”, arXiv:astro-ph/9804120, 1-16, (1998) Download
- Jalali, M. A., Sobouti, Y., “Some Analytical Results in Dynamics of Spheroidal Galaxies”, Celest. Mech. Dyn. Astr., 70: (4), 225-270, (1998) Download
- Sobouti, Y., “Contemporary Astronomy in Iran - A Status report”, Highlights of Astronomy Vol. 11A, as presented at Joint Discussion 14 of the XXIIIrd General Assembly of the IAU, 1997. Edited by Johannes Andersen. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1998., 739-739, (1998) Download
- Khosroshahi, H. G., Sobouti, Y., “Angular momentum transfer to a star by gravitational waves”, 15th International Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation (GR15), arXiv:astro-ph/9806102v1, 1-5, (1997) Download
- Khosroshahi, H. G., Sobouti, Y., “Response of a Star to Gravitational Waves”, Astron. Astrophys., 321: (3), 1024-1026, (1997) Download
- Khosroshahi, H. G., Sobouti, Y., “Stars as Gravitational Wave Detectors”, J. Korean Astron. Soc., 29, S277-S278, (1996) Download
- Samimi, J., Sobouti, Y., “On The Stability and Normal Modes of Polytropic Stellar Systems Using the Symmetries of Linearized Liouville’s Equation”, Astron. Astrophys., 297: (3), 707-716, (1995) Download
- Dehghani, M. H., Sobouti, Y., “Dynamical Group of Liouville’s Equation for Quadratic Potentials”, Astron. Astrophys., 299, 293-296, (1995) Download
- Sobouti, Y., Nasiri, S., “A Canonical Quantization in Phase Space Frontiers in Theoretical Physics”, Turkish. J. phys., 19: (1), 458-464, (1995)
- Sobouti, Y., “A quantization procedure in phase space resulting from symmetric treatment of configuration and momentum representations”, 7th International Conference on Symmetry Methods in Physics, 10-16 Jul 1995. Dubna, Russia , (1995)
- Barut, Ao., Cruz, M. G., Sobouti, Y., “Localized Solutions of the Linearized Gravitational-Field Equations in Free-Space”, Classical Quant. Grav, 11: (10), 2537-2543, (1994) Download
- Dehghani, M. H., Sobouti, Y., “Liouville's equation. V- The full symmetries of r-1-potentials”, Astron. & Astrophys., 275, 91-95, (1993) Download
- Sobouti, Y., Nasiri, S., “A PHASE SPACE FORMULATION OF QUANTUM STATE FUNCTIONS”, Int. J. Mod. Phys. B, 7: (18), 3255-3272, (1993) Download
- Sobouti, Y., Dehghani, M. H., “A Lie Algebra of the Symmetries of Liouville’s Equation”, International Astronomical Union Colloquium, 132, 233-239, (1993) Download
- Sobouti, Y., Dehghani, M. H., “Liouville's equation. IV- The full symmetries of quadratic potentials”, Astron. & Astrophys., 259: (1), 128-133, (1992) Download
- Tahmasebi, M. J., Sobouti, Y., “EXACT SOLUTIONS OF SCHRODINGER'S EQUATION FOR SPIN SYSTEMS IN A CLASS OF TIME DEPENDENT MAGNETIC FIELDS: II”, Mod. Phys. Lett. B, 6: (20), 1255-1261, (1992) Download
- Tahmasebi, M. J., Sobouti, Y., “EXACT SOLUTIONS OF SCHRODINGER’S EQUATION FOR SPIN SYSTEMS IN A CLASS OF TIME-DEPENDENT MAGNETIC FIELDS”, Mod. Phys. Lett. B, 5: (29), 1919-1924, (1991) Download
- Sobouti, Y., “Nonequilibrium ensembles. 2. A Lagrangian formalism for quantum systems”, INTERNATIONAL CENTRE FOR THEORETICAL PHYSICS, IC-90-185, 1-15, (1990) Download
- Sobouti, Y., Khajeh-Pour, M.R.H., “Nonequilibrium ensembles. 3. Spin 1/2 paramagnets”, INTERNATIONAL CENTRE FOR THEORETICAL PHYSICS, IC-90-185, 1-8, (1990) Download
- Ardakani, A. B., Sobouti, Y., “Excitation of Stellar Oscillations by Tidal Processes”, Astron. & Astrophys., 227: (1), 71-76, (1990) Download
- Hasan, S. S., Sobouti, Y., “Classification of magnetospheric modes in sumpot umbrae”, Solar Photosphere: Structure, Convection, and Magnetic Fields Proceedings of the 138th Symposium of the International Astronomical Union Held in kiev,USSR, May 15–20, 1989, Stenflo, Jan (Ed.), 255-258, (1990) Download
- Sobouti, Y., “Nonequilibrium ensembles: I. A Lagrangian formalism for classical systems”, Physica A, 168: (3), 1021-1034, (1990) Download
- Sobouti, Y., Samimi, J., “Liouville's Equation. III- Symmetries of the Linearized Equation”, Astron. & Astrophys., 214: (1-2), 92-98, (1989) Download
- Sobouti, Y., “Liouville's Equation. II- Eigenmodes of Harmonic Potentials”, Astron. & Astrophys., 214: (1-2), 83-91, (1989). Download
- Sobouti, Y., “Liouville's equation. I- Symmetries and classification of modes”, Astron. Astrophys, 210: (1-2), 18-24, (1989) Download
- Nasiri, S., Sobouti, Y., “Global modes of oscillation of magnetized stars”, Astron. & Astrophys., 217: (1-2), 127-136, (1989) Download
- Sobouti, Y., Ardakani, A. B., “Excitation of the normal modes of a binary member by its companion”, Vistas in Astronomy, 31: (1), 351-355, (1988) Download
- Sobouti, Y., “Symmetries of Liouville's Equation”, Proceedings of the Twentieth General Assembly, Baltimore 1988, (1988)
- Sobouti, Y., Nasiri, S., “The normal modes of oscillations of fluids in the presence of magnetic fields”, Vistas in Astronomy, 31: (1), 425-429, (1988) Download
- Hasan, S. S., Sobouti, Y., “Mode classification and wave propagation in a magnetically structured medium”, Roy. Astron. Soc., Monthly Notices, 228: (2), 427-451, (1987) Download
- Sobouti, Y., “Linear oscillations of isotropic stellar systems. III- A classification of non-radial modes”, Astron. & Astrophys., 169: (1-2), 95-110, (1986) Download
- Sobouti, Y., “Radial and Non-Radial Oscillations of Spherically Symmetric Stellar Systems”, Advances in Helio- and Astroseismology: Proceedings of the 123th Symposium of the International Astronomical Union, Held in Aarhus, Denmark, July 7–11, 1986, Chapter 2, ISBN: 978-90-277-2615-5 , 123, 191-194, (1986) Download
- Sobouti, Y., “Linear Density Waves in Globular Clusters”, The Harlow-Shapley Symposium on Globular Cluster Systems in Galaxies: Proceedings of the 126th Symposium of the International Astronomical Union, Held in Cambridge, Massachusetts, U.S.A., August 25–29, 1986, Chapter X, ISBN: 978-90-277-2665-0 , 126, 693-693, (1986) Download
- Sobouti, Y., “Linear oscillations of isotropic stellar systems. II- Radial modes of energy-truncated models”, Astron. & Astrophys. , 147: (1), 61-66, (1985) Download
- Sobouti, Y., “Linear oscillations of isotropic stellar systems. I- Basic theoretical considerations”, Astron. & Astrophys. , 140: (1), 82-90, (1984) Download
- Sobouti, Y., “Radial and nonradial Oscillations of spherically symmetric isotropic stellar system-Solution of Antonov's equation”, 165th AAS Meeting, Tucson, Arizona, 16, pp 997, (1984)
- Sobouti, Y., “The Potentials for the g-, p-, and the Toroidal Modes of Self-gravitating Fluids”, Astron. & Astrophys., 100, 319-322, (1981) Download
- Dixit, V. V., Sarath, S. B., Sobouti, Y., “Two basis sets for the g- and p-modes of self gravitating fluids”, Astron. & Astrophys., 89: (3), 259-263, (1980) Download
- Sobouti, Y., “Normal modes of rotating fluids”, Astron. & Astrophys., 89: (3), 314-335, (1980) Download
- Sobouti, Y., Heydari Khajehpour, M. H., Dixit, V. V., “Normal modes of white dwarfs in Current problems in stellar pulsation instabilities”, NASA Memorandum, 80625-513-80625-531, (1980) Download
- Silverman, J. N., Sobouti, Y., “Normal modes of self-gravitating fluids in perturbed configurations, I. Perturbational variational procedure”, Astron. & Astrophys., 62: (3), 355-363, (1978) Download
- Silverman, J. N., Sobouti, Y., “Normal modes of self-gravitating fluids in perturbed configurations, II. Perturbational-variational expansion of the g- and p- modes of a nonadiabatic fluid about the adiabatic limit”, Astron. & Astrophys., 62, 365-374, (1978) Download
- Sobouti, Y., “Convective Modes and Convective Stability of Rotating Fluids”, Astron. & Astrophys. , 70, 665-675, (1978) Download
- Sobouti, Y., “A definition of the g- and p-modes of self-gravitating fluids”, Astron. & Astrophys., 55, 327-337, (1977) Download
- Sobouti, Y., “The G and P modes of polytropes”, Astron. & Astrophys., Suppl., 28, 463-468, (1977) Download
- Sobouti, Y., “Pure Perturbation Spectra of Convectively Neutral Fluids”, Astron. & Astrophys., 55, 339-346, (1977) Download
- Sobouti, Y., Silverman, J. N., “An Expansion of Normal Modes of Self-Gravitating Fluids”, Abstract in Bull. Am. Astron. Soc., 9, 338-338, (1977) Download
- Sobouti, Y., “On long-period hydromagnetic oscillations of selfgravitating compressible masses”, Bulletin of the Astronomical Society, Vol. 6, p. 488, (1974) Download
- Sobouti, Y., “On a Stability Criterion in Convective Media”, Bull. Am. Astron. Soc., 5, 405-405, (1973) Download
- Sobouti, Y., “On a Bernoulli's integral pertaining to gas flow in close binary systems”, Astrophys. Space Sci., 12: (2), 408-410, (1971) Download
- Sobouti, Y., “A Potential Flow Pertaining to Binary Systems”, Astron. & Astrophys., 5, 149-154, (1970) Download
- Sobouti, Y., “Scattering and Transmission Functions for Non-Coherent Scattering”, Astrophys. J., 153, 257-266, (1968)Download
- Sobouti, Y., “Fluorescent Scattering in Planetary Atmospheres. III. Formation of Lyman-Birge Bands of N2 in the Martian Atmosphere”, Astrophys. J., 138, 720-747, (1963) Download
- Sobouti, Y., “Fluorescent Scattering in Planetary Atmospheres. IV. Formation of Lyman-Birge Bands of N2 in the Terrestrial Atmosphere”, Astrophys. J. , 138, 748-760, (1963) Download
- Sobouti, Y., “Propagation of Localized Disturbances in Hydromagnetic Media”, Astrophys. J., 138, 1163-1166, (1963) Download
- Sobouti, Y., “CHANDRASEKHAR'S X-, Y-, AND RELATED FUNCTIONS RESEARCH”, Astrophys, J., Suppl., VII, 411-560, (1962) Download
- Chamberlain, J. W., Sobouti, Y., “Fluorescent Scattering in Planetary Atmospheres. I. Basic Theoretical Considerations”, Astrophys. J., 135, 925-937, (1961) Download
- Sobouti, Y., “Fluorescent Scattering in Planetary Atmospheres. II. Coupling among Transitions”, Astrophys. J., 135, 938-954, (1961) Download
- Sobouti, Y., “The relationship between unique geomagnetic and auroral events”, J. Geophys. Res., 66: (3), 725-737, (1961) Download
- Persian Writings
- ICRANet-Isfahan Astronomy Meeting: From the Ancient Persian Astronomy to Recent Developments in Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Astrophysics and General Relativity, Editors: R. Ruffini, Y. Sobouti and S. Shakeri, Cambridge Scientific Publishers, 186pp, ISBN 978-1-908106-88-9, (2024).
- ICRANet-Isfahan Astronomy Meeting: From the Ancient Persian Astronomy to Recent Developments in Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Astrophysics and General Relativity, Journal of the Eurasian Astronomical Society, Editors: R. Ruffini, Y. Sobouti and S. Shakeri, Cambridge Scientific Publishers, 170 pp, ISBN 978-1-908106-80-3, (2023).
- Basic Sciences of Zanjan: the story of the foundation of the Institute for Advanced Studies in Basic Sciences, narrated by Y. Sobouti, the founder [by Mandana Farhadian], (2022), Nashre Ney publication, Tehran, Iran.
- Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics, (2022), (Revisions and additions are in progress).
- Relativity: Special and General (a graduate-student textbook in Persian), Iran University Press, 2018. Download
- Letter of the Academy of Sciences, Iran. Journal of the Academy of Sciences of the Islamic Republic of Iran. No. 3, (Summer 2018). Academy of Sciences Publications.
- Commitments of the Islamic Republic of Iran to Climate Change. (2017). (2015 Paris Conference), on the order of the Researchers Support Fund, Letter of the Academy of Sciences, Iran.
- Warmed Earth: What has the climate of the 21st Century to offer, Gita Shenasi, Tehran, (a book on climate change for Persian speaking communities), 2011.
(زمين گرم، ارمغان سده بيستويكم، تالیف، ۲۰۱۱). Download - Science the Gateway to Understanding, Proceedings of the Workshop on, Tehran, October 2008, Editors: Glenn Schweitzer and Yousef Sobouti, The National Academies Press, Washington, D.C., 2008.
- Thermal physics (Book by Philip M. Morse), translation (1993), Nashre Daneshgahi Press, Iran.
- Stellar Evolution (by Jack Meadows), translation (1984), Dena Press, Iran.
Major Contributions, Social Engagements, Attendence in Events
Major contributions to institutional developments
- Responsible for the initial conception and realization of Biruni Observatory, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran 1971-1975, and Director of the Observatory, 1975-1980
- Responsible for the creation and development of graduate studies in physics (M.Sc., 1967 and Ph.D., 1986), Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran
- Responsible for the initial conception and creation of Institute for Advanced Studies in Basic Sciences, Gava Zang, Zanjan, Iran, 1991, Director, 1991-2010
- Responsible for the initial conception and creation of Abdul - Rahman Sufi College (a private 1st degree college science and humanity), 2004, Head of the Board of Trustees, 2004 - present
- Founding member of the Physical Society of Iran, 1983-present
- Founding member of the Astronomical Society of Iran, 1987-present
- Founding member of the Iranian Society of Ethics in Science and Technology, 2004-present
Attendance in major scientific events
- IAU 13th . General assembly, Prague, 1967
- IAU Sym. on planetary nebulae, Czechoslovakia, August 1967
- IAU 14th , General Assembly, Brighton, 1972
- Black hole astrophysics, Les Houches, August 1972
- Summer Session on Theory Astrophysics, Trieste, August 1973
- AAS 141st Meeting, Tuscan, December 1973
- AAS 143rd Meeting, Rochester, August 1974
- International School of Physics (E. Fermi), Isolated gravitating systems in General Relativity, Varenna, July 1976
- IAU Colloquium 38, Stellar Convection, Nice, France, August 1976
- AAS 150th Meeting, Atlanta, June 1977
- IAU Symposium 76, Planetary Nebulae, Cornell, June 1977
- Conference on current problems in stellar pulsation instabilities, Baltimore, June 1978
- IAU, 17th General Assembly, Montreal, August 1979
- Third Marcel Grossmann Meeting, Shanghai, 1981 (and member of International Advisory Committee)
- AAS 164th Meeting, Tucson, January 1985
- IAU Symposium 123, Helio- and astro-seismology, Aarhus, Denmark, July 1986
- IAU Symposium 126, Globular systems in galaxies, Harvard, Cambrige, August 1986
- Guest scientist, International Center for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Summer 1986
- Aspen Center for Physics, Workshop on Galaxies, June 1987
- Second Regional Conference on Mathematical Physics, Adana, Turkey, 1987
- Visiting Fellow, International Center for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Summer 1988
- IAU 20th General Assembly, Johns Hopkins University, August 1988
- Visiting fellow, International Center for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Summer 1989
- Fourth Regional Conference on Mathematical Physics, Tehran, Iran 1990
- Colloquium 132, International Astronomical Union, Problems of stability and instability in stellar system, Delhi October 1990
- Wigner symposium, Gosslar, Germany, July 1991
- Third World Academy of Science, General Assembly, Kuwait, October 1992
- 6th Asian Pacific Regional Meeting of the IAU, Pune, India, August 1993
- Frontiers in Theoretical Physics, Edirne, Turkey, December 1993
- IAU 22nd General Assembly, The Hague, August 1994
- VII International Conference on Symmetry Methods in Physics, Dubna, Russia, 1995
- Third World Academy of Science, 5th General Assembly, Abuja, Nigeria, Septamber 1995
- The 7th Asian-Pacific Regional of IAU Meeting, Pusan, Korea, August 1996
- Inter University Centre for Astronomy & Astrophysics (IUCAA), Pune, India, August 1997
- 23rd General Assembly Meeting, IAU, Kyoto, Japan, August 1997
- 6th General Assembly of The Third World Academy of Sciences (TWAS) and the Third Network of Scientific Organizations (TWNSO), Rio does Janerio, Brazil, September 1997
- The Third World Academy of Sciences (TWAS), Trieste, Italy, November 1997
- 10th General Meeting, The Third World Academy of Sciences (TWAS), Trieste, Italy, December 1998
- The Second ICRA Network Workshop, The Chaotic Universe, Pescara, Rome, Italy, February 1999
- 7th General Assembly, The Third World Academy of Sciences (TWAS), Dakar, Senegal, November 1999
- International Colloquium on Group Theoretical Methods in Physics, Dubna, Russia, August 2000
- Stellar Dynamics from Classic to Modern, San Petersburg, Russia, August 2000
- 12th General Meeting, Third World Academy of Sciences, Tehran, October 2000
- Canadian Astronomical Society, Annual Meeting, McMaster University, Hamilton, May 2001
- 8th General Assembly The Third World Academy of Sciences (TWAS), New Delhi, India, October 2001
- Potsdam University, Invited lecturer, Potsdam, Germany, March 2002
- IAU 8th Asian-Pacific Regional Meeting, Tokyo, Japan, July 2002
- 25th General Assembly Meeting, IAU, Sydney, Australia, July 2003
- 9th General Assembly The Third World Academy of Sciences (TWAS), Beijing, China, October 2003
- 15th General Meeting, Third World Academy of Sciences, Trieste, Italy, October 2004
- National Academy of Science of Armenia and Byurakan Astrophysical Observatory, Invited Lecturer, Yerevan, Armenia, March 2004
- IAU 9th Asian-Pacific Regional Meeting, Bali, Indonesia, July 2005
- 16th General Meeting, Third World Academy of Sciences, Alexandria, Egypt, December 2005
- Inter-Academy Workshop on Science & Technology and the Future Development of Societies, Invited lecturer and head of the Iranian Delegation, Nice, France, June 2006
- 11th Marcel Grossmann Meeting, Berlin, Germany, July 2006