
M.Sc. Defense

Provenances and Tectonic Setting of the Lower and the Upper Red Formations, in the MahneshanArea, Central Iranian Basin

Zeynab Alimoula - Earth Sciences Department
2019-07-20 14:00
Place: Torkaman Lecture Hall

M.Sc. Defense

Characterization of hydraulic head measurements and aquifer properties in the Salmas Plain, Iran, from InSAR observations

Saeedeh Shahbazi - Earth Sciences Department
2019-07-16 14:30
Place: Torkaman Lecture Hall

M.Sc. Defense

Study of subsidence of Maragheh-Bonab plain by combining interferometry and hydrogeology and prediction of subsidence over the next few years

Nasim Mortazavi - Earth Sciences Department
2019-07-16 11:00
Place: Science House Amphitheater

M.Sc. Defense

Optimization optical sensor based on surface plasmon resonance in periodic metallic nano-structure metal using finite elements method (FEM)

Soraya Aliyari - Physics Department
2019-07-14 16:00
Place: Torkaman Lecture Hall

M.Sc. Defense

Kinematic Analysis of the Main Fault in the Cenozoic Formations in Avaj-Ajan Area

Seyed Erfan Babaee - Earth Sciences Department
2019-07-13 14:30
Place: Torkaman Lecture Hall

M.Sc. Defense

Numerical Analysis for Dynamical Models of HTLV-I Infection

Zeynab Rezaee - Mathematics Department
2019-07-10 16:00
Place: Science House Amphitheater

M.Sc. Defense

Nanoscale Insights into the Structure and Transport Properties of the Ionic Liquid [TBP][Lys] and its Mixture with CO2:A Molecular Dynamics Study

Leila Khoeini - Chemistry Department
2019-07-10 14:00
Place: Torkaman Lecture Hall

M.Sc. Defense

Investigation of antibacterial activity of cathelicidin using molecular dynamics simulation

Mahshid Danesh - Biological Sciences Department
2019-07-10 14:00
Place: Science House Amphitheater

M.Sc. Defense

Investigation of Diffusion of Colloidal Particles by Differential Dynamic Microscopy (DDM)

Nikta Jabbarzadeh - Physics Department
2019-07-10 14:00
Place: University Amphitheater

M.Sc. Defense

Upper Crustal Seismic Anisotropy Study in the Southeastern Termination of the Zagros Mountains

Mohsen Ranjbar Hajee Abadi - Earth Sciences Department
2019-07-10 11:00
Place: Torkaman Lecture Hall

M.Sc. Defense

Diphosphine-Bridged Platinum(II) Complexes Derived from Luminescent Cycloplatinted Homologues: Investigation on PtPt Interaction

Morteza Nazari - Chemistry Department
2019-07-10 10:00
Place: Science House Amphitheater

M.Sc. Defense

Heating mechanism of geothermal system in the north Zanjan, Iran: hydrogeophysics and stable isotopes

Raana Hassanpour - Earth Sciences Department
2019-07-10 09:00
Place: Torkaman Lecture Hall

Ph.D. Defense

Study the effect of replacing [PF6]− with [PF3(C2F5)3]− on the local structure, transport and thermodynamic properties of [bmim]+-based ionic liquids using MD simulations

Soraya Ebrahimi - Chemistry Department
2019-07-10 09:00
Place: University Amphitheater

M.Sc. Defense

Investigating pathway of hypoxia in MDA-MB-231 cell line in presence of UPR pathway inducer

Elham Mirzaei - Biological Sciences Department
2019-07-09 14:00
Place: Torkaman Lecture Hall

M.Sc. Defense

Development of new Heterogeneous Catalysts Supported on Clay and their Application in the reduction of nitro compounds

Zahra Rasouli - Chemistry Department
2019-07-09 11:00
Place: Torkaman Lecture Hall

M.Sc. Defense

Robot Localization in Orthogonal Enviroments with Landmarks

Somayeh Dolati - Department of Information Technology and Computer Sciences
2019-07-08 16:00
Place: Torkaman Lecture Hall

M.Sc. Defense

Path Planning with Objectives Shortest Length and Maximum Clearance

Maryam Sanee Saleh - Department of Information Technology and Computer Sciences
2019-07-08 14:00
Place: Torkaman Lecture Hall

M.Sc. Defense

Quantum informaion theory in non-inertial frames

Leili Esmaeilifar - Physics Department
2019-07-08 14:00
Place: University Amphitheater

M.Sc. Defense

Dynamic Self-Organizing Maps with Modified Growing Phase for Nonlinear Mapping of Data

Masoud Ebrahimi Atani - Department of Information Technology and Computer Sciences
2019-07-07 11:00
Place: Science House Amphitheater

M.Sc. Defense

Comparing the Ionic Association, Structure, and Transport Properties of Two [emim]+ Based Ionic Liquids using MD Simulations: (Triflate Anion versus mesylate)

Lida Zolghadr - Chemistry Department
2019-07-07 09:00
Place: Torkaman Lecture Hall

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