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Simulation Through Social Networking (STSN)
Simulation of the Physics of growth

Instructions for Linux users

New model:

Restricted Solid-on-Solid (RSOS)

one-dimensional (1d)

  1. Create a folder (in lhome or home, say) and call it rsos1d_65k (or whatever you like).

Q: How?   

A: cd /lhome

     mkdir rsos1d_65k

  1. Depending on your processor type (Intel, AMD, etc.), download one of the following files into rsos1d_65k.

Q: How do I download the file?     A: Please right-click on the file's name with your mouse and "Save as" or "Save the link as", as the case may be, to the created folder (rsos1d_65k, for example).

  • If you have an Intel Inside (Pentium 4 processor), which could probably be the case, please download  rsos65536_1d_4l_8l_50r_mine_outside_p4.out [temporarily disconnected] and execute it (next instruction).

  • For non-Pentium processors (AMD, etc.), please download rsos65536_1d_4l_8l_50r_mine_outside_gen.out.

  1. To start the simulations, type the following commands at the Linux Terminal:

                            cd lhome/bd2d_128

                            nice -19 nohup ./simulate_c_bd128_2d_4l_8l_wsat_p4_stat.out &

  1. If the program is stopped for any reason (accidentally or on purpose) type the following commands at the Linux Terminal to continue the program.

                            cd lhome/bd2d_128

                            nohup ./simulate_c_bd128_2d_4l_8l_wsat_p4_stat.out &

  1. Deliver the results (which are in the rsos1d_65k folder) every week, every two weeks, every three weeks, or monthly:

    • on CD, or

    • on flash memory, memory stick, cool disk, etc., or

    • by email (preferably after zipping the files).

If you'd like to help me with my research project, please send me an e-mail message [Farnudi (at sign)], writing STSN on the Subject line, otherwise I would not open the message for fear of viruses.





Please do send comments to me.                                                         Last updated 25 October 2006