Parvin Razzaghi
Assistant Professor in Department of Computer Science and Information Technology,
Institute for Advanced Studies in Basic Sciences (IASBS), Zanjan, Iran.
Telephone: +98 24 3315 3375
Parvin Razzaghi received her Bachelor of
Science degree in computer science from Tabriz University, Tabriz, Iran
in 2007 and her Master of Science and PhD degree in artificial
intelligence from Isfahan University of Technology (IUT), Isfahan, Iran
in 2010 and 2014. She is now an assistant professor of Department of
Computer Science and Information Technology, Institute for Advanced
Studies in Basic Sciences (IASBS), Zanjan, Iran. Her research interests
include deep learning, transfer learning, computer vision, scene understanding, machine learning and
pattern recognition.
Journal Publications:
- Razzaghi, P., Bayat. P. "Perceptual Grouping of Features in Deep Convolutional Network", Computer Vision and Image Understanding (under review).
- Alinia, P., Razzaghi, P. "Parametric and Nonparametric Context Models: A Unified Approach”, Pattern Recognition, 84: 165-181, 2018.
- Razzaghi, P., Razzaghi. P. "Transfer Subspace Learning via Low-Rank and Discriminative Reconstruction Matrix”, Knowledge-Based Systems, 163: 174-185, 2019.
- Razzaghi, P. "Self-taught Support Vector Machine”, Knowledge and Information System, 1-25, 2017. Project Page
- Razzaghi, P. "weakly supervised semantic segmentation using high-order information." Journal of Machine Vision and Image Processing (2017) (Accepted).
- Razzaghi, P. and Samavi, S. "Hierarchical Implicit Shape Modeling." Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation 25(5): 1251-1261 (2014).
- Razzaghi, P. and Samavi, S.,"A New Fast Approach To Nonparametric Scene Parsing" Pattern Recognition Letter, 42: 56-64 (2014).
- Razzaghi, P. and Samavi, S. "Image retargeting using nonparametric semantic segmentation." Multimedia Tools and Applications, pp. 1-20 (2014).
- Razzaghi, P., Gheissari, N., and Palhang, M., "A new invariant descriptor for action recognition based on spherical harmonics", Pattern Anal. Appl. 16(4): 507-518 (2013).
Conference Publications:
- Razzaghi, P., Razzaghi. P., "Discrminative Kernel Matrix for Domain Adaptation", in Iranian conference on electrical engineering (ICEE 2018), Mashhad, Iran, 2018 (Accepted).
- Aminpour, A., Razzaghi. P., "Weakly supervised semantic segmentation using Hierarchical Multi-Image model", in Iranian conference on electrical engineering (ICEE 2018), Mashhad, Iran, 2018 (Accepted).
- Razzaghi. P., "Semantic segmentation using high order information", in Iranian conference on electrical engineering (ICEE 2017), Tehran, Iran, 2017.
- Alinia, P., Razzaghi. P., "Similarity based context for nonparametric scene parsing", in Iranian conference on electrical engineering (ICEE 2017), Tehran, Iran, 2017.
- Saadati, F., Razzaghi. P., Saadati, F., "Incorporation of High Level Information in Images Retrieval", in , VISIGRAPP (5: VISAPP), , Portugal, 2017.
- Mansouri, N., Nejati, M., Razzaghi. P., Samavi. S., " Image Retrieval by Bag of Visual Word and Color Information", in Iranian conference on electrical engineering (ICEE 2013), Mashhad, Iran, 2013.
- Mokhtari, M., Razzaghi, . P., Samavi, S., "Texture Classification Using Dominant Gradient Descriptor", Machine Vision and image Processing (MVIP), 2013.
- Razzaghi, P., Gheissari, N., and Palhang, M., "An Affine-Invariant Descriptor for Action Recognition," in International Conference on Computer Vision and Applications (VISAPP), Rome, Italy, 2012.
- Razzaghi, P., Amouzadi, A., Palhang, M. "LHB: A New Approach for Ranking Inspired from Humans Behavior," in The International Conference on Contemporary Issues in Computer and Information Science (CICIS 2011), Zanjan, Iran, 2011.
- Razzaghi, P., Palhang, M., and Gheissari, N., "A New Method for Action Recognition in Video," in Machine Vision and image Processing (MVIP), Tehran, Iran, 2011.
- Razzaghi, P. and Palhang, M., "New and effective approach to detect cars in aerial images," in Iranian conference on electrical engineering (ICEE 2010), Isfahan, Iran, 2010.
- Parvaneh Alinia (Graduated)
- Azad Aminpour (Graduated)
- Sana Ahmadi (Graduated)
- Parisa Razzaghi (Graduated)
- Pegah Bayat (Graduated)
- Roghayyeh Pazoki (Graduated)
- Mahsa Mohammadi
- Mahsa Radinmehr
- Hadi Abdi Khojasteh
- Nasser Niromand
- Negar Alimohammadi
- Maryam Haghi
- Haniyeh Fekrmandi