Mohamad Reza Heidary Khajehpour





Date of Birth: January 16, 1942

Marital Status: Married

No. Children: 1

Nationality: Iranian

Address: Institute for Advanced Studies in Basic Sciences (IASBS), Gava Zang, Zanjan.

P.O. Box: 45195-1159, Zanjan 45195, Iran


Present Position:

Professor of Physics, IASBS


   Higher Education:

            B.Sc. (Physics) Tehran University, Iran (1964)

            M.Sc. (Physics) Tehran University, Iran (1966)

            M.S. (Physics) Florida State University, U.S.A. (1972)

            Ph.D. (Physics) Florida State University, U.S.A. (1975)


      Theses and Dissertation:

Resonance Particles, M.Sc. Thesis, Tehran University (1966)

Phase Transitions in Uniaxial Ferromagnets, M.S. Thesis, Florida State University (1972)

Multicritical Phenomena in Anisotropic Ferromagnets, Ph.D. Dissertation, Florida State University (1975)


Employment and Positions:

1955-68                     Programmer and Surveyor, Taleghani-Daftari consulting Engineers, Tehran, Iran

1965-75                     TA and RA at Physics Dept; Fla. State University

1972-74           Part-time Programmer, Environmental Section, Florida Department of Transportation, Tallahassee, Fla

1975-81                     Assistant Professor of Physics, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran

1981-84                     Science Editor, Kharazmi Publishers, Tehran, Iran

1983-85                     Director, Dena Publications, Tehran, Iran

1988-92           Assistant and then Associate Professor of Physics, Amir Kabir

University of Technology, Tehran, Iran

1992-               Associate Prof. Physics, Institute for Advanced Studies in Basic Sciences (IASBS), Zanjan, Iran

1992-2007      Deputy Director and Academic Dean, Institute for Advanced Studies in Basic Sciences (IASBS), Zanjan, Iran

2004                Associate Prof. Physics, Institute for Advanced Studies in Basic Sciences





Membership of Professional Societies:

Life member, American Physical Society, USA

Member, American Association for Advancement of Science, USA

Life Member, Iranian Physical Society, Iran

Member, Iranian Astronomial Society, Iran



Research Interests:

Statistial Mechanics of Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena; Two-dimensional Electron Systems and Mesoscopic Behaviors; Relativity


Editorial and Other Professional Activities:

1976-79                     Assistant Editor, Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Pergamon Press

1985-96           Assistant Editor, “Majalle-Fyzik” (Iranian Journal of Physics), Iran University Press, Tehran, Iran

1986-92                     Member of Editorial Board, Iranian Journal of Physics, Iran University Press, Tehran, Iran

1995-               Member of Advisory Board, Iranian Journal of Physics, Iran University Press, Tehran, Iran

1990-                             Member of Editorial Board, Nojum (an astronomical magazine), Tehran, Iran

1987-96           Director, Publications Section, Physical Society of Iran

1997-2000             Member-elect, Executive Board, Physical Society of Iran

1999-2004             Scientific Advisory Board, International Scientific Meetings Organization, Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, Tehran, Iran

2001-2007       Member of Scientific Board, Encyclopedia of Physics, Tehran, Iran

2006-              Co-editor, Contemporary Science Series (eight volumes published) Farhang Moaser Publishers, Tehran, Iran


Meetings Organized:

1991                Organizer, Regional Spring School on Many Body Techniques, Isfahan, Iran (Supported by ICTP, Trieste, Italy)

1997                Local Organizer, International School of Young Astronomers, Zanjan, Iran (Supported and Organized by International Astronomical Union)

1999                Co-organizer, Regional Summer School on Scaling and Disordered Systems, Zanjan, Iran (Supported by ICTP)

1994-98                     Organizer, Annual Physics Summer Schools for Talented Undergraduate Students, Zanjan, Iran (Supported by IPS and IASBS, Iran)

1995-2007             Member of Organizing Committee, Annual Workshop on Condensed Matter Physics, IASBS, Zanjan, Iran

2004                Co-organizer, STATPHYSS22 Satellite Meeting: Statistical Physics of Complex Fluids, IASBS, Zanjan, Iran

2004                Co-organizer, International Summer School on Soft and Biological Matter, IASBS, Zanjan, Iran



Meeting and Workshops Attendance:

International and Regional

1970                                International Conference of Magnetism, Miami, USA (paper presented)

1972                Enrico Fermi Summer School on Physics, Varena, Italy

1974                                Seminar on Multicritical Phenomena, Athens, Georgia, USA

1975                                APS Meeting, Atlanta, USA (paper presented)

1977                NASA Summer School on Path Integrals, Antwerp, Belgium

1987                Regional School on Techniques of Many Body Problems, Lahore, Pakistan (Invited Lecturer) 

1988                                Workshops on Particles Physics and Condensed Matter Physics, ICTP, Trieste, Italy

1989                                Workshop on Particle Physics and Condensed Matter Physics, ICTP, Trieste, Italy

1990                                Regional Conference on Mathematical Physics, Tehran (supported by ICTP)

1994                                Workshops on Condensed Matter Physics, ICTP, Trieste, Italy

1996                Second Conference on Recent Developments in Statistical Field Theory, ICTP, Trieste, Italy

1996                International Workshop on Mathematical Physics (SIMI96), Tblisi, Georgia (paper presented)

1996                International Workshop on Condensed Matter Physics, Pune, India (paper presented)

1996                Regional Summer School on Scaling and Disordered Systems, Zanjan, Iran

2000                The Eurofoan 2000 Conference, Delft, the Netherlands

2002                Annual APS March 2002 Meeting, USA

2004                STATPHYSS22 Satellite Meeting: Statistical Physics of Complex Fluids, IASBS, Zanjan, Iran

2004                International Summer School on Soft and Biological Matter, IASBS, Zanjan, Iran



1984                Annual Physics Conference of IPS, Tehran, Iran (Invited Speaker)

1991                Annual Physics Conference of IPS, Isfahan, Iran (Invited Speaker)

1992                Annual Physics Conference of IPS, Tehran, Iran (Invited Speaker)

1993                Annual Physics Conference of IPS, Kermanshah, Iran

1994                Annual Physics Conference of IPS, Kurdistan, Iran

1995                Annual Physics Conference of IPS, Uromieh, Iran

1995-2007       Annual Workshops on Condensed Matter Physics, IASBS, Zanjan, Iran 1996              Annual Physics Conference of IPS, Mashhad, Iran

1997                Annual Physics Conference of IPS, Rasht, Iran

1998                Annual Physics Conference of IPS, Kerman, Iran

1999                ISMO Seminar on Solar Physics, Isfahan, Iran

2003                Annual Iranian Mathematics Conference, Shahroud, Iran

2003                Annual Astronomy Conference, Tabriz, Iran (Invited Speaker)

2004                Annual Physics Conference of IPS, Tehran, Iran


Courses Taught

Undergraduate: General Physics, General Astronomy, Mechanics, Electromagnetism, Modern Physics, Quantum Mechanics, Thermodynamics, Statistical Physics, Astrophysics, Solid State Physics and Relativity.

Graduate:        Classical Mechanics, Fluid Dynamics, Quantum Mechanics, Statistical Mechanics, Stellar Astrophysics, Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena, and Many Body Theory.



Books Written and Edited:

1.      Elements of Astronomy, 1997, Ministry of Education, Tehran

2.      Principles of Thermodynamics (Lecture notes), IASBS, Zanjan

3.      Physics and Reality and Other Essays (ed.) by A. Einstein (1999 2nd ed.) Kharazmi Publishers, Tehran (in Persian)

4.      Annual Reviews of Computational Physics VIII (Proceedings of the Regional School on Scaling and Disorder, co-editor.), 1999, IASBS, Zanjan. World Scientific Publishers

5.      Physics and Engineering of Underground Reservoirs: Oil Fields, Gas Fields and Groundwater Aquifers (Proceedings of the Workshop, Coeditor), 2003, IASBS, Zanjan


Book Translated (into Persian):

1.      A, Einstein, Relativity and the Meaning of Relativity, Kharazmi, Tehran
(1999, 2nd edit)

2.      V. Trimble, Cosmology, Gostareh, Tehran (1980)

3.      P. Morse, Thermal Physics, Iran University Press, Tehran (1982)

4.      S. Weinberg et al, Quarks & Leptons., Gostareh, Tehran (1982)

5.      S. Weinberg, First Three Minutes, Dena, Tehran (1982, 2nd ed. 2007)

6.      L. Bragg, Ideas and Discoveries in Physics, Dena, Tehran (1983, 2nd ed. Farhang-Moaser, Tehran, 2006)

7.      N. Calder, The Comet is Coming, Dens, Tehran (1986)

8.      M. Degani, Astronomy Made Simple, Gita Shenasi, Tehran (1998, 6th ed. new Persian ed. 2007)

9.      F. Bueche, College Physics, Kharazmi, Tehran (1999 2nd ed.)




(Over 20 articles in Persian published in Iranian Journal of Physics, Journal of Mathematics, Nojum (an astronomical magazine), Daneshgar  and Ketab-e-Hafteh

1.      “Phase Transitions of Anisotropic Ferromagnets J. Appl. Phys. 42, 1418 (1971) (Coauthor Y. L. Wang)

2.      “Magnetic Field-Induced Phase Transitions in Uniaxial Ferromagnets, ts Phys. Rev. B 6, 1772 (1972) (Coauthor Y. L. Wang)

3.      “Multicritical Phynomena in Anisotropic Ferro magnets Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. Fall. Issue (1975)

4.      “Tricritical Model with an Experimentally Accessible Ordering Field J. Phys. A, 913 (1975) (Coauthor Wang and Kromhout)

5.      “Bicritical and Tricritical Phenomena in Uniaxial Ferromagnets Phys. Rev. B 12, 1349 (1975) (Coauthor Wang and Kromhout)

6.      “Renormalization Group Recursion Relations and Fixed Points of the Uniaxial Ferromagnets (part of the Ph.D. dissertation, 1975, unpublished)

7.      “The g-modes of White Dwarfs, Current Issues in Stellar Problems (Ed. D. Fischel et al) NASA, 1980 (Coauthor Y. Sobouti)

8.      “How to Test the Special Relatity on the Rotating Earth? Phys. Lett A, B2, 310 (1988) (Coauthors R. Mansouri, G. Abolghassem)

9.      “Generalization of the Test Theory of Relativity to Non-intertial Frames J. Phys. A, 22, 589 (1989) (coauthors R. Mansouri and G.Abolghassem)

10.  “Introductory Lectures on Critical Phenomena, in “ Path Integral Methods, Lattice Gauge Theory and Critical Phenomena World Scientific, (1989)

11.  “Equivalence of Transport and Radar Synchrony in General Relativity SUT preprint (1989) (Coauthor M. Mansouri)

12.  “Comment on “Testing of the Line Elemets of Special Relativity with Rotating Systems SUT Preprint (1990) (Coauthor R. Mansouri)

13.  “Non-Eqilibrium Ensembles: Spin Systems ICTP Preprint IC/90/185 (1990) (Coauthor Y. Sobouti)

14.  “On Synchronization of Clocks in General Space-Times IASBS, Preprint, (1994) (Coauthor R. Mansouri)

15.  “A Test Theory of the Local Structure of Spacetime: a Finslerian Approach. Classical and Quantum Gravity 12, 1373 (1995) (Coauthors R. Mansouri and R. Golestanian)

16.  “A Dynamical Test of SR (Coauthors M. Kohandel and R. Golestanian) proceedings of VII Regional Conference on Mathematical Physics Anzali (1995) IPM, Iran

17.  “Tricritical Behavior Using Coherent Anomoly Method International Workshop on Condensed Matter Physics, Pune, India (1996)

18.  “A Dynamical Test on Special Relativity Using the Anomolous Electron g-factor Phys. Lett. A 231, 315 (1997) (Coauthors M.Kohandel and R.Golestanian)

19.  “Non-Planer 2DEG in a Constant Magnetic Field, IASBSPreprint (2000) (Coauthor A.Namiranian)

20.  “Elasticity of a Continuum with Extra-Matter and Dislocation Defects in Continuum   Models and Discrete Systems, E. Inan and K.Z.Markov (eds), World Scientific, 826, (1998) (Coauthors F. Miri and N. Rivier)

21.  “Conductivity of a Two-Dimensional Curved Microconstriction Physica E 10, 549-552 (2001) (Coauthors A. Namiranian, Yu. Kolesnichenko and S.N. Shevchenko)

22.  “Numerical Simulation of a Continuum Model of Growth of Thin Composite Films Phys. Rev. E, 69, 1-4, (2004) (Coauthors E. Nedaaee Oskoee and M. Sahimi)

23.  “On Synchronization of Clocks in General Space-Time Iran. J. Phys. Res. 5: (3), 63-67 (2005) (Coauthor R.Mansouri) 

24.  "Laser-Induced Dendritic Microstructures on the Surface of Ag+-doped Glass", J. Appl. Phys., 100, 053503, (2006) (Coauthors J. Mostafavi-Amjad, A. Ghods, S.N. Reihani, M.R. Kolahchi and A. Nahal)



كارنامه علمي محمدرضا حيدري خواجه‌پور، روز آمد شده در مهر 1387


نام و نام خانوادگي: محمدرضا حيدري خواجه‌پور


تولد: 1320، ساوجبلاغ كرج                                متاهل:داراي يك فرزند


سال و محل اخذ مدرك:

ديپلم: 1339، دبيرستان اميركبير (طبيعي)

كارشناسي: 1342، دانشگاه تهران (فيزيك)

كارشناسي ارشد: 1344، دانشگاه تهران (فيزيك)

كارشناسي ارشد:1351، دانشگاه ايالتي فلوريدا (فيزيك)

دكتري تخصصي PHD: 1354، دانشگاه ايالتي فلوريدا (فيزيك)


رتبه علمي و وضعيت استخدامي: استاد، رسمي


تز و رساله‌ها:

كارشناسي ارشد، ذرات تشديدي، دانشگاه تهران، 1344

كارشناسي ارشد، گذار فاز در فرومغناطيسهاي تك محوري،  دانشگاه ايالتي فلوريدا، 1351

دكتري تخصصي PHD، پديدهاي بحراني چندگانه در فرومغناطيسهاي ناهمسانگر، دانشگاه ايالتي فلوريدا، 1354


 فعاليت‌هاي اجرائي:

استاديار فيزيك، دانشگاه شيراز، 60-1354

ويراستار علمي، انتشارات خوارزمي، تهران، 63-1360

رئيس انتشارات دنا، تهران 64-1362

سرپرست انتشارات انجمن فيزيك ايران

استاديار و دانشيار فيزيك، دانشگاه صنعتي اميركبير، تهران، 71-1367

معاون و استاد فيزيك، مركز تحصيلات تكميلي در علوم پايه- زنجان، 86–1371

استاد فيزيك، دانشگاه تحصيلات تكميلي علوم پايه- زنجان، 86–1371



فعاليتهاي فرهنگي، اجتماعي:

عضو دائم انجمن فيزيك آمريكا

عضو دائم انجمن فيزيك ايران

عضو انجمن نجوم ايران

عضو بخش آموزشي اتحاديه بين‌المللي نجوم

عضو شوراي علمي مركز بين‌المللي فيزيك نظري عبدالسلام (تريست ايتاليا)


ترجمه و تاليف:

1-  ترجمه و ويرايش دوره آثار آلبرت انيشتاين در پنج جلد كه سه جلد آن چاپ شده و جلد چهارم
آن زير چاپ است.

2-  نسبيت و مفهوم نسبيت، انتشارات خوارزمي، تهران 1362(چاپ دوم 1378)         

3-  تكامل فيزيك،  (ويرايش و مقابله)، انتشارات خوارزمي، تهران 1362 (چاپ دوم 1378)

4-  فيزيك و واقعيت، انتشارات خوارزمي، تهران 1363 (چاپ دوم 1378)    

5-  مكانيك آماري و نظريه كوانتومي، انتشارات خوارزمي

ترجمه كتابهاي درسي:

1-     فيزيك پيش دانشگاهي، ف، بيوكي، انتشارات خوارزمي(چاپ دوم 1378)

2-     فيزيك گرما، ف، مورس، مركز نشر دانشگاهي، 1371

3-     نجوم پيش‌دانشگاهي، وزارت آموزش و پرورش، 1376 تهران

ترجمه كتابهاي عمومي علمي:

1-     نجوم به زبان ساده، جلد (1)، م. دگاني، انتشارات گيتاشناسي، 1362      

2-     نجوم به زبان ساده، جلد(1)، م. دگاني، انتشارات گيتاشناسي، 1362(اين كتاب از چاپ دوم به بعد در يك جلد، و تاكنون چندين بار تجديد چاپ شده است)(چاپ نهم 1380)

3-     انبساط جهان، س، اينبرگ، انتشارات دنا، 1362

4-     انفجار بزرگ، مجموعه مقالات، انتشارات دنا، 1362

5-     فيزيك انديشه‌ها و يافته‌ها، ل، براگ، انتشارات دنا، 1364

6-     و آن ستاره دنباله‌دار مي‌آيد، ن، كالدر، انتشارات دنا، 1366

7-     كيهانشناسي، و، ترينبل، نشر گستره، 1362

8-     كواركها و لپتونها، س، واينبرگ، نشر گستره، 1362


مقالات فارسي: (نوشته و ترجمه)

1-     مجله فيزيك- جلد 2، شماره 3، 137-118-1363

2-     مجله فيزيك – جلد 4، شماره 2، 168-164-1365   

3-     مجله فيزيك-جلد 7، شماره 7، 289-286-1365

4-     نشر رياضي- سال 2، شماره 3، 1368

5-     گنجينه – سال 1، شماره 1، 1370

6-     گنجينه- سال 1، شماره 3، 1370

7-     مجله نجوم-سال 1، شماره 1، 1370

8-     مجله نجوم- سال 1، شماره 5، 16-10-1370


9-     مجله نجوم-سال 1، شماره 5، 25-24-1370

10-   مجله نجوم- سال 1، شماره 9، 14-9-1371

تهيه و ويرايش بخش ” اخبار پژوهشي“ مجله فيزيك، مركز نشر دانشگاهي از پائيز 1365 تا به حال

1-     جلد 4، شماره 3 ، 1365

2-     جلد 5، شماره‌هاي 1، 2، 3، 4، 1366

3-     جلد 6، شماره‌هاي 1، 2، 3، 4، 1367

4-     جلد 7، شماره‌هاي 1، 2، 3، 1368

5-     جلد 8، شماره‌هاي 1، 2، 3، 4، 1369

6-     جلد 9، شماره‌هاي 1، 2، 3، 4، 1370

7-     جلد 10، شماره‌هاي 1، 2، 3، 1371


براي مقالات بين‌المللي به CV پيوست مراجعه شود.