Maysam Maysami Sadr

Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: mpic

Assistant Professor of Pure Mathematics - IASBS - Zanjan


Ph.D.: AmirKabir University of Technology

M.Sc.: Sharif University of Technology

Bachelor: AmirKabir University of Technology

Ph.D. Thesis Supervisor: Professor Abdolrasoul Pourabbas

Ph.D. Thesis Title: Continuous Bounded Cohomology of Topological Semigroups

M.Sc. Thesis Supervisor: Professor Mohammad Mahdavi-Hezavehi

M.Sc. Thesis Title: A Duality for Skew Field Extensions

Area of Research

Mathematical Physics

Specific Topics of Interests

Axiomatic Quantum Field Theory, Ergodic Theory, K-Theory


1. Sadr, Pourabbas, Approximate amenability of Banach category algebras with application to semigroup algebras, Semigroup Forum, 2009. (Springer link)

2. Sadr, Pseudo-amenability of Brandt semigroup algebras, Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae, 2009. (DML-CZ link)

3. Sadr, Pourabbas, Johnson amenability for topological semigroups, Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, 2010. (IJSTS link)

4. Sadr, Quantum functor Mor, Mathematica Pannonica, 2010. (Journal link)

5. Sadr, A kind of compact quantum semigroups, International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences, 2012. (Journal link)

6. Sadr, Morita equivalence of Brandt semigroup algebras, International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences, 2012. (Journal link)

7. Sadr, On the stability of a generalized additive functional equation, Aequationes Mathematicae, 2016. (Springer link)

8. Sadr, Stability of additive functional equation on discrete quantum semigroups, Sahand Communications in Mathematical Analysis, 2017. (Journal link)

9. Sadr, Decomposition of functions between Banach spaces in the orthogonality equation, Aequationes mathematicae, 2017. (Springer link)

10. Sadr, On the quantum groups and semigroups of maps between noncommutative spaces, Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal, 2017. (Springer link)

11. Sadr, A class of Banach algebras of generalized matrices, Functional Analysis and Its Applications, 2017. (Springer link)

12. Sadr, On the stability of first order PDEs associated to vector fields, Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems, 2021. (Springer link)

13. Sadr, Quantum metrics on noncommutative spaces, Fundamental Journal of Mathematics and Applications, 2018. (Journal link)

14. Sadr, Quantum metric spaces of quantum maps, Universal Journal of Mathematics and Applications, 2018. (Journal link)

15. Sadr, Vietoris topology on hyperspaces associated to a noncommutative compact space, MATHEMATICA, 2018. (Journal link)

16. Sadr, Banach algebras associated to metric operator fields, Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, 2019. (Springer link)

17. Sadr, Amnieh, On the cohomology of topological semigroups, Communications in Advanced Mathematical Sciences, 2019. (Journal link)

18. Sadr, Mathematical theory of probability and foundations of quantum mechanics (in Persian), Farhang va Andisheh Ryazi 1399. (Journal link)

19. Sadr, Ganji, Abstract Hardy-Littlewood maximal inequality, Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, 2021. (Springer link)

20. Sadr, Shahrestani, Topological entropy for arbitrary subsets of infinite product spaces, Journal of Dynamical and Control Systems, 2023. (Springer link)

21. Sadr, On the structure of noncommutative mapping schemes, preprint. (ArXiv:1907.09969)

22. Sadr, A Note on the Frankl conjecture, preprint. (ArXiv:1907.09976)

23. Sadr, A note on the best approximation in spaces of affine functions, Mathematical Analysis and Convex Optimization, 2022. (Journal link)

24. Sadr, Some inequalities for continuous algebra-multiplications on a Banach space, preprint. (ArXiv:1907.10042)

25. Sadr, Path-connected components of affine schemes and algebraic K-theory, preprint. (ArXiv:1911.04204)

26. Sadr, Ganji, Random quantum maps and their associated quantum Markov chains, Positivity 2023. (Springer link)

27. Sadr, Shahrestani, A notion of entropy for stochastic processes, preprint. (ArXiv:2110.01541).

28. Sadr, Amnieh, On the differential geometry of some classes of infinite dimensional manifolds, preprint. (ArXiv:2111.09646)

29. Sadr, A remark on contractible Banach algebras of operators, preprint. (ArXiv:2211.03493)

30. Sadr, A modification of Hardy-Littlewood maximal-function on Lie groups, preprint. (ArXiv:2301.07075)


Talks in IASBS

1)    M.M. Sadr, Quantum families of maps (November 2008).

2)    M.M. Sadr, Quantum mechanics as quantum probability (April 2010).

3)    M.M. Sadr, Integral geometry and geometric probability: Calculation of Pi with a single needle (October 2011).

4)    M.M. Sadr, Group and cogroup objects in categories (December 2011).

5)    M.M. Sadr, An introduction to noncommutative geometry (January 2012).

Graduate Courses Taught (IASBS)

Real Analysis I, II - Functional Analysis I, II - Complex Analysis I, II - Banach Algebra - C*Algebra - Operator Theory I, II - Algebraic Topology I, II - Harmonic Analysis - Ergodic Theory - Riemann Surface - Advanced Stochastic Processes I -Mathematical Physics - K Theory

Undergraduate Courses Taught (Payame Noor and Azad Universities of Tehran and Karaj)

Calculus I, II - Analysis I, II, III - Algebra I, II, III - Complex Analysis - General Topology - Differential Geometry I, II -Engineering Mathematics I, II - Statistics and Probability I, II

Supervised M.Sc. Thesis

1)    Sepideh Naderinejad (2011), Subspaces with a common complement in a Banach space.

2)    Ali Hemmati (2012), Factorization of EP linear operators on Hilbert spaces.

3)    Hamed Kazemi Basir (2012), Discrete Schrodinger operator and its spectral properties.

4)    Jamileh Pakizekho (2014), Determining elements in Banach algebras through spectral properties.

5)    Forough Nasiri (2014), The proof of Szemeredi s theorem in ergodic theory.

6)    Saeid Ghorbani (2015), Generalized homology and cohomology theories for noncommutative spaces.

7)    Shirin Bahrami (2015), Algebraic and topological K-theory for commutative and noncommutative spaces.

8)    Hossein Mastaneh (2015), Kervaire invariant in homotopy theory.

9)    Rasoul Eskandari (2015), Invariant Banach limits.

10)                       Shima Homayouni (2015), Hyers-Ulam stability of Jensen and Jensen type equations.

11)                       Niloofar Khaligh (2015), Hyers-Ulam stability of quadratic and quartic functional equations.

Contact me

e-mail: sadr at sign iasbs dot ac dot ir

Mailing address: IASBS , P.O. Box 45195-1159, Zanjan, Iran

Tel : +(98)(24) 33155086

Fax: +(98)(24) 33155097