Personal information
I was born on the 5th of January in Tehran, Iran. As a high school student I studied at Farzanegan school. I have a BSc degree in physics and a MSc degree from astronomy and astrophysics from the Institute for advanced studies in basic sciences(IASBS). Now I started my doctoral studies in theoretical physics, astronomy and astrophysics also at IASBS.
Scientific interest
The main research focus concerning my PhD program is the study of IMF variability in different environments. This binds together theoretical NBODY, statistical and stellar population synthesis modelling of spectral energy distributions together with observations. This project I work on under the supervision of Dr Akram H.Zonoozi.
I am also interested in stars evolution, physics of star, star clusters and related topics. I worked on stars evolution, specifically as a master thesis, it was the “evolution of rotating stars and their consequents on CMDs of star clusters” under the supervision of Dr. Haghi. For this project, I have learned how to use MESA star code (Modules for Experiments in Stellar Astrophysics ) to simulate almost every single star with and without rotation to compare the results.
In September of 2015 I was accepted to do an internship in Argelander-Institut für Astronomie (AIFA) University of Bonn, Bonn, Germany, under the supervision of Prof. Norbert Langer. I was working on envelope inflation of massive stars using MESA code.