Useful links to search websites for scientific articles
- Science Direct
- Scitation
- ISI web of Knowledge
- Harvard Search Abstract Service
- NIST reference on fundamental constant
Collaborators (current)
Prof. Stefan Goedecker (University of Basel)
Dr. Maximillian Amsler (Postdoc at Northwestern University)
Prof. Ali Sadeghi (Shahid Beheshti University)
Prof. Luigi GENOVESE (Institut Nanosciences et Cryogenie)
Prof. Ehsan Nedaaee Oskoee (Institute for Advanced Studies in Basic Science)
Molecular Visualization softwares
Scientific Database website
- Atomic Reference Data for Electronic Structure Calculations
- The Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre
- Library of Inorganic Structures
- Crystallography Open Database
- Comparing Solid State DFT Codes, Basis Sets and Potentials
- NIST Chemistry WebBook
Molecular, Surface and Crystalline symmetries
- Bilbao Crystallographic Server
- Point Group Symmetry
- Symmetry Resources at Otterbein University
- Space Group Diagrams and Tables
- Symmetry in Crystallography
Crystalline Surfaces
- Classification of Overlayer Structures
- Low Index Surfaces of Common Crystal Structures
- Online substrate program from Tools and Utilities of Oganov's Lab
Computational Physics/Chemistry Softwares
Links of others' notes
Useful links for LaTeX
Links to people
- Prof. David Vanderbilt
- Prof. Richard G. Hennig
- Prof. Alexis Baratoff
- Prof. Abdollah Langari
- Prof. Mohammad Khorrami
- Prof. Graeme Henkelman
- Prof. E. K. U. Gross
- Prof. Jörg Behler
- Prof. Kieron Burke
- Prof. Vahid Karimipour
- Prof. Matthias Scheffler