Yaser Rowshan, Ali Taherkhani,Partitioning of a graph into induced subgraphsnot containing prescribed cliques, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 344, 68–80,2024.
Yaser Rowshan, Ali Taherkhani,Catlin-type theorem for graph partitioningavoiding prescribed subgraphs,Discrete Math., 345 (8), 112911, 2022.
Ali Taherkhani,Size and structure of large(s, t)-union intersecting families,Electron. J. Combin., 29(2), P2.25, 2022.
Amir Daneshgar and Ali Taherkhani,On the spectra of cylindrical constructs,Discrete Math., 342(1),96–112, 2019.
Meysam Alishahi and Ali Taherkhani,On the random version of the Erd ̋osmatching conjecture, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 254,1–9, 2019.
Meysam Alishahi and Ali Taherkhani,OnG-free induced subgraphs of Knesergraphs, Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A, 159, 269–282, 2018.
Roya Abyazi Sani, Meysam Alishahi, and Ali Taherkhani,Coloring Proper-ties of Categorical Product of General Kneser Hypergraphs,Ars MathematicaContemporanea, 15(1), 113–126, 2018.
Meysam Alishahi and Ali Taherkhani,Circular chromatic number of inducedsubgraphs of Kneser graphs,Ars Mathematica Contemporanea, 15(1), 161–172, 2018.
Ali Taherkhani,Onr- Dynamic Chromatic Number of Graphs, Discrete Ap-plied Mathematics, 201, 222–227, 2016.
Hossein Hajiabolhassan and Ali Taherkhani,On the Circular Chromatic Num-ber of Graph Powers, Journal of Graph Theory, 75, 48–58, 2014.
Meysam Alishahi and Ali Taherkhani,A Note on Chromatic Sum, Ars Com-binatoria, Volume CXVI, 49–54, 2014.
Meysam Alishahi, Ali Taherkhani, and Carsten ThomassenRainbow paths withprescribed ends, Electron. J. Combin., 18(1):Research Paper 86, 5, 2011.
Meysam Alishahi, Hossein Hajiabolhassan and Ali Taherkhani,A Generaliza-tion of the Erd ̋os-Ko-Rado Theorem, Discrete Math., 310(1), 188–191, 2010.
Hossein Hajiabolhassan and Ali Taherkhani,Graph Powers and Graph Homo-morphisms, Electron. J. Combin., 17(1):Research Paper 17, 16, 2010.
A Catlin-type Theorem forG-free Coloring of Graphs, IPM, April 2022.
Stability results for (s, t)-union intersecting families, 43rd Australasian Com-binatorics Conference, 13–17 December 2021.
Hedetniemis Conjecture, summer school for Bsc students, online, 2020.
Size and structure of largeG-free induced subgraphs of Kneser graphs, Zhe-jiang Normal University, December 2019.
Extremal Combinatorics, Erd ̋os-Ko-Rado Theorem and some of its General-izations, IASBS, September 2018.
A stability theorem forK1,t-free subgraphs of Kneser graphs, 50th AnnualIranian Mathematics Conference, 26–29 August 2019.
Chromatic number of categorical product of hypergraphs, IASBS, November2017.
On Circular Coloring of Some Induced Subgraphs of Kneser Graphs, SharifUniversity of Technology, November 2017.
Categorical product of hypergraphs and its coloring properties, IPM, October2017.
Dynamic chromatic number of graphs, Sharif University of Technology, Novem-ber 2014.