Curriculum Vitae


Name: Dr. Amir Hatami(e)

- Assistant professor of department of chemistry- Institute for Advanced Studies in Basic Sciences-IRAN.

- Research associate and visiting researcher - Department of chemistry and molecular biology, University of Gothenburg, Sweden.

- Topical Advisory Panel of “Biosensors” journal (Q1). MDPI from 2021.

- Guest Editor of 3 special issues of “Biosensors” journal (Q1). MDPI.

- Guest Editor of “International Journal of Molecular Sciences” journal (Q1) MDPI.

- Editor of “Characterization and Application of Nanomaterials” journal.

- Editor of “Journal of Nanotechnology in Diagnosis and Treatment” journal.



2024- Now   Assistant professor, Institute for Advanced Studies in Basic Sciences,Iran.

2023- Now   Guest Researcher, Department of Chemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Gothenburg (Sweden).

2022–2023   Postdoc Researcher, Sahlgrenska Postdoc Fellow. Department of Physiology and Chemistry -University of Gothenburg (Sweden), Supervisors: Prof. P. Rorsman & Prof. A. Ewing).

2019–2021   Research Associate, Marie-curie Fellowship Postdoc, Department of Chemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Gothenburg (Sweden). (Supervisor: Prof. Andrew Ewing).

2017 –2019   Research Associate -Wallenberg Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Chemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Gothenburg (Sweden). (Supervisor: Prof. A.Ewing.

2016 –2017   Postdoctoral Fellow- Iran Elite Foundation Materials Science and Engineering, Advance Nanomaterial Lab, Sharif University of Technology (Iran) (Supervisor: Prof. A. Simchi).

2014 –2016   Chemistry Eng. Lab., NIDC company (Iran).

2014   Visiting Ph.D. Stu./Biosensor and Bioelectronics Center, University of Linkoping.Sweden (Supervisor: Prof. Anthony P. Turner and Magnus Willander).

2014   Ph. D. in Analytical Chemistry, Department of Chemistry. Shahid Chamran University.Iran.


2024   Raising Stars in measurement science, selected by ACS Measure. Board. The USA.

2024   Wallenberg Travel grant- Gothenburg university- Sweden.

2023   Top 2%researcher (highly Cited) in 2021 and 2022.

2021   Sahlgrenska grant, Joint project. Department of Physiology, Sahlgrenska Hospital, University of Gothenburg –Sweden.

2021   The best reviewer award of “Biosensors” journal at 2021. Switzerland.

2019   Marie Curie Research Grant- The European Union. 2019. Supported by VINNOVA.

2019   Sensor award for young researchers from MDPI Publications-Switzerland.

2018   Wallenberg Travel grant- GU from Gothenburg university- Sweden.

2018   Wallenberg postdoctoral scholarship – Sweden.

2018   The best research proposal through National Microfluidic & Biosensor Competition.

2016   Postdoctoral Research Fellowship of Iran Elite Foundation, Iran.

2010-2014   Full national scholarship, PhD studies- Iran.

2013   Selected as the best Ph.D. student at Shahid Chamran University- Iran.

2012   Selected as the best Ph.D. thesis at Shahid Chamran University- Iran.


Topical Advisory Panel of “Biosensors” journal (Q1 level, IF: 5.4) from 2021- now.

Guest Editor of in “Biosensors” Journal (2021- now). MDPI publications- Switzerland.

Guest Editor of “International Journal of Molecular Sciences” journal (Q1, IF: 6.5) from 2023- now.

Editor of “Journal of Nanotechnology in Diagnosis and Treatment” from 2022- now.

Editor of “Characterization and Application of Nanomaterials” From 2023- now.

● INVITED SPEAKER (Keynote speakers)

2024 4th International Electronic Conference on Biosensors as an invited speaker, 21 May. 2024.

2023 3st International Electronic Conference on Chemical Sensors and Analytical Chemistry, May 1-7, 2023 Switzerland.

2021 4th International Conference on Biosensors and Bioelectronics, May 21-22, 2021.Paris, Paris, France.

2021 1st International Electronic Conference on Chemical Sensors and Analytical Chemistry, June 1-7,2021 Switzerland.


2019 –now   Member of the Swedish Chemical Society (SWE).

2016–2020   Member of the Iranian Society of Chemistry (ISC).

2018–now   Member of the International Society of Electrochemistry (ISE).