Research paper

Integration of Ultra-Thin Bubble Walls and Electrochemistry: Innovation in Micro- Sensing for Forensic Nitrite Detection and Microscale Metallic Film Deposition. N.Fahemi , S.Angizi, A.Hatamie Analytical chemistry , 96, no. 7 (2024): 2920-2928.

Advances in nano/microscale electrochemical sensors and biosensors for analysis of single vesicles, a key nanoscale organelle in cellular communication. Amir Hatamie, Xiulan He, Xin-Wei Zhang, Pieter E. Oomen, and A. G. Ewing, Biosensors and Bioelectronics 220(2023) 114899

Direct Acquisition of the Gap Height of Biological Tissue‐Electronic Chemical Sensor Interfaces. X. Zhang, Amir Hatamie, and A. G. Ewing. Angewandte Chemie 134.43 (2022): e202210224.

Nanoscale amperometric monitoring shows the pancreatic beta cells release only a small fraction of vesicular serotonin content during exocytosis. A. Hatamie, L. Ren, H. Dou, N. Gandasi, P. Rorsman, A. Ewing. Angewandte Chemie - 2021, 60, 7593 –7596

Vesicle Impact Electrochemical Cytometry Reveals Carbon Nanotubes Can Cause Fusion of Intracellular Vesicles. A. Hatamie, L. Ren, X. Zhang, A. Ewing. Analytical chemistry , 2021, 13161-13168.)

Simultaneous Quantification of Vesicle Size and Catecholamine Content by Resistive Pulses in Nanopores and Vesicle Impact Electrochemical Cytometry. X. Zhang, A. Hatamie, and A. G. Ewing. Journal of American Chemical Society , 9, (2020) 142, 4093-4097

Electrosynthesis of yttrium hexacyanoferrate microflowers on freestanding three- dimensional graphene substrate as a highly selective electrode for ascorbic acid detection. A. Hatamie, R. Rahmatia, E. Rezvani, S.Angizi, A. Simchi ACS Applied Nano Materials , 2019, 2, 2212−2221

Simultaneous quantification of vesicle size and catecholamine content by resistive pulses in nanopores and vesicle impact electrochemical cytometry. X.W. Zhang, A. Hatamie, A. G. Ewing Journal of the American Chemical Society 142, 9 (2020): 4093-4097.

Synthesis, First-Principle Simulation, and Application of Three-Dimensional Ceria Nanoparticles/Graphene Nanocomposite for Non-Enzymatic Hydrogen Peroxide Detection. E. Rezvani, A. Hatamie, M. Berahman, M. Simchi, S. Angizi, R. Rahmati, James Kennedy, and A. Simchi. Journal of The Electrochemical Society 166, (2019): H3167-H3174.

Fast and ultra-sensitive voltammetric detection of lead ions by two-dimensional graphitic carbon nitride (g-C3N4) nanolayers as glassy carbon electrode modifier. A. Hatamie, P. Jalilian, E. Rezvani, A. Kakavand, and A. Simchi Measurement 134 (2019) 679-687.

Mechanochemical Green Synthesis of Exfoliated Edge-Functionalized Boron Nitride Quantum Dots: Application to Vitamin C Sensing through Hybridization with Gold Electrodes S. Angizi, A. Hatamie, H. Ghanbari, and A. Simchi. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces , 10 (2018) 28819