About Seminar

The 30th annual IASBS Meeting on condensed matter physics will be held in person this year. The aim of this Meeting is to bring together experimental and theoretical scientists in the fields of quantum materials, soft matter & biological physics, and complex systems to present their most recent research and to create an atmosphere for fruitful discussions. The Poster Session provides an excellent opportunity for young researchers and students to gain invaluable experience through online discussions. As it has always been, the Meeting will bring the physics community of the nation, young and old, together, in a friendly environment for the free exchange of ideas.

    Important dates
  • First announcement: February 1
  • Start of registration: February 10
  • Registration and Paper submission deadline: April 20
  • Seminar start date: May 28

Quantum Technology School

    Lecture Topics:
  • Quantum Imaging
  • Quantum Sources of Light
  • Quantum Communication
  • Quantum Mechanics in Phase Space


Students stay in the student dormitory and guest house of the university.
The distance from the student dormitories to the lecture venue is about 5 minutes' walk. Similarly, for the route between the guest house and the university, which is longer, a shuttle service is planned, and the service schedule will be announced before the school starts.

Below is a representation of the distance from the place of residence to the venue of the lecture, which can be seen on the Google map by clicking on each image.

Boys' dormitory
Girls' dormitory
Student hostel


Registration is done through the Google Forms.
By selecting the registration option, enter your information in the Google form and wait for the registration confirmation email to be sent after checking the documents. (Due to the limited capacity, the review of the documents may take until the last day of registration) After that, the payment link will be opened for those accepted and the possibility of paying the registration fee will be provided.

The deadline for registration and paper submission is April 20, 2025 (31 Farvardin 1404)

Please note:
The co-authors should register individually.
For more information, subscribe to our Telegram channel:   t.me/condmat_meeting

You can apply for a contribution in the form of a poster presentation. All posters are subject to a review process. A number of the accepted papers will be selected for oral presentation as short contributed talks. There will also be a number of invited talks.

Paper and Poster Templates

The article should be no more than 4 pages (A4), including: title, authors, affiliations, abstract, figures, tables and references by using the meeting template.
Posters should be printed on A1 paper (width 59.4cm x height 84.1cm; portrait orientation).

Invited Speakers

The list below shows the persons. This list is being completed!

Seyed Iman Mirzaei

Tarbiat Modares University

Abolfazl Ramezanpour

Shiraz University

Farhad Shahbazi

Isfahan University of Technology

Zahra Shomali

Tarbiat Modares University

Scientific Committee

Keivan Aghababaei Samani

Isfahan University of Technology

Hosein Cheraghchi

Damghan University

Mohammad Reza Ejtehadi

Sharif University of Technology

Saeed S. Jahormi

IASBS (Chair)

Mahdi Mashkoori

K. N. Toosi University of Technology

Local Organizing Committee