Mohammad Gholinejad was born in Tabriz in North West of Iran. He earned a Ms. From Shiraz University under supervision of Prof. Nasser Iranpoor and Ph.D. degree in Organic Chemistry under the supervision of Prof. Habib Firouzabadi, followed by a six months sabbatical period at the University of Alicante (Professor Carmen Najera).
In September 2012, He joined the Department of Chemistry at the Institute for advanced studies in basic sciences (IASBS University), Zanjan, Iran as an Assistant Professor.
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Thank you for your
A sincere thank you for being a cornerstone of our success. Your valuable contributions have made a significant impact on my goals
Habib Firouzabadi
My professor in PhD
I'm grateful for the opportunity to work with you and learn under your guidance.Your support means the world to me!I appreciate the way you supported me. “Your help is greatly appreciated.”
Carmen Najera
My professor in Sabbatical
A sincere thank you for being a cornerstone of our success. Your valuable contributions have made a significant impact on my goals