
About Me

My Name is Seyed Mojtaba Ghasemi. I was born in the city of Sari (Mazandaran Province, Iran) at July 16th of 1997.
I studied my elementary school lessons from fall 2003 to spring 2008 at Shahed school, Sari, Iran.
Then I went to Shahid Beheshti (SAMPAD) middle and high school, Sari, Iran from fall 2008 to spring 2015.
After that, I have particpated in the university enterance exam (called Konkoor) at June 2015, I made it through to the IASBS university, Zanjan, Iran.
At the Institute for Advanced Studies for Basic Sciences (IASBS) I started to study the seamless Ph.D. (or PhD track) courses from fall 2015.
At fall 2020 I started to work with Dr. Hosein Haghi as my supervisor and Dr. Akram Hasani as my advisor.
At fall 2021 I successfully defended my PhD proposal.
Currently, I'm working on my PhD thesis and participate in some astrophysical/astronoical conferences all around!

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