(with Reza Jafarpour-Golzari), Unmixed d-uniform r-partite hypergraphs, Ars Combinatoria, 155, (2021) 135-143.
(with Reza Abdolmaleki, Jurgen Herzog), On the initial behavior of the number of generators of powers of monomial ideals, Bulletin Mathematique de la Societe des Sciences Mathematiques de Roumanie, 63 (2), (2020) 119-129.
(with Mina Bigdeli, Ali Akbar Yazdan Pour), Decomposable clutters and a generalization of Simon's conjecture, Journal of Algebra 531, (2019) 102-124.
(with Abbas Nasrollah Nejad, Ashkan Nikseresht, Ali Akbar Yazdan Pour), On the blowup of affine spaces along monomial ideals: Tameness, Journal of Symbolic Computation 93, (2019) 85-99.
(with Mina Bigdeli, Jurgen Herzog), On the index of powers of edge ideals, Communications in Algebra 46 (3), (2018) 1080-1095.
(with Abbas Nasrollah Nejad, Zahra Shahidi), Torsion-free Aluffi algebras, Journal of Algebra 513, (2018) 190-207.
(with Ashkan Nikseresht), On generalization of cycles and chordality to clutters from an algebraic viewpoint, Algebra colloquium 24 (04), (2017) 611-624.
(with Mina Bigdeli, Ali Akbar Yazdan Pour), Stability of Betti numbers under reduction processes: Towards chordality of clutters, Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A 145, (2017) 129-149.
(with Mina Bigdeli, Jurgen Herzog, Ali Akbar Yazdan Pour), Simplicial orders and chordality, Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics 45 (4), (2017) 1021-1039.
(with Reza Jafarpour-Golzari) Unmixed r-partite graphs, Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society 43 (3), (2017) 781-787.
(with Abbas Nasrollah Nejad, Aron Simis) The Aluffi algebra of the Jacobian of points in projective space: torsion-freeness, Journal of Algebra 467, (2016) 268-283.
(with Marcel Morales, Ali Akbar Yazdan Pour), Regularity and free resolution of ideals which are minimal to $d$-linearity, Mathematica Scandinavica 118 (2), (2016) 161-182.
Pure simplicial complexes and well-covered graphs, to appear in Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 45 (2), (2015) 695-702.
Cohen-Macaulayness of bipartite graphs, revisited, Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society 38 (4), (2015) 1601-1607.
(with Asghar Madadi), Perfect Matching of 3-uniform Hypergraphs, Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 45 (2014) 63-66.
(with Marcel Morales, Ali Akbar Yazdan Pour), Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity under reduction processes on Graphs and Hypergraphs, Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 45 (2014) 57-62.
(with Marcel Morales, Ali Akbar Yazdan Pour), Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity under reduction processes on Graphs and Hypergraphs, Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 45 (2014) 57-62.
(with Asghar Madadi) Cohen-Macaulay r-partite graphs with minimal clique cover, Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society 40 (3) (2014) 609-617.
Universally Koszul algebras defined by graphs, Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences and Cryptography 15 (6) (2012) 349-352.
Invariance of the barycentric subdivision of a simplicial complex, Bull. Iranian Math. Soc. 38 (2) (2012) 423-432.
(with Marcel Morales and Ali Akbar Yazdan Pour) The regularity of edge ideals of graphs, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 216 (2012) 2714-2719.
(with Abbas Nasrollah Nejad) Aluffi torsion-free ideals, Journal of Algebra 346 (2011) 284-298.
(with L. Sharifan) Minimal free resolution of associated graded ring of monomial curves of generalized arithmetic sequences, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 213 (2009) 360-369.
On isomorphism of simplicial complexes and their related algebras, Bull. Iranian Math. Soc. 35 (1) (2009) 41-48.
Some infinite classes of Fullerene graphs, International Mathematical Forum 1 (40) (2006) 1997-2002.
Some infinite classes of Fullerene graphs, International Mathematical Forum 1 (40) (2006) 1997-2002.
(with Rahim Zaare-Nahandi) The minimal free resolution of a class of square-free monomial ideals, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 189 (2004) 264-278.
(with Hamid Usefi) A note on minors of a generalized Hankel matrix, International Mathematical Journal, 3 (11) (2003) 1197-1201.
(with Rahim Zaare-Nahandi) Grobner basis and free resolution of the ideal of 2-minors of a 2 x n matrix of linear forms, Communications in Algebra, 28 (9) (2000) 4433-4453.
An introduction to Computational Commutative Algebra, CIMPA-WAMS School on Commutative Algebra, Sulaimani University, Iraq, 1-7 September 2022. (Invited Lecturer)
Determinantal Ideals, Third International Conference of Mathematics, Salahaddin University, Erbil, Iraq, 28-30 August 2022. (Key Note Speaker)
Shellable Simplicial Complexes, Second International Conference of Mathematics, Salahaddin University, Erbil, Iraq, 3-5 February 2019. (Main Speaker)
Extendable shellability and Simon's conjecture, CIMPA School on Combinatorial Commutative Algebra, COMSETS, Lahore, Pakistan, 5 -14 March 2018. (Invited Lecturer)
Computing in Algebraic Geometry, International Workshop on Mathematics and Physics, Salahaddin University, Erbil, Iraq, 25- 26 April 2017. (Invited Speaker)
Linearity of resolution of monomials and the role of characteristic of the base field, Conference on Combinatirial Structures in Geometry, Osnabrueck University, Osnabrueck, Germany, 8-12 August 2016.
Linearity of resolution of monomial ideals and the role of characteristic of the base field, Frontiers in Mathematics, IPM, Tehran, Iran, February 2016 (Invited Speaker).
(with A. Nikseresht) Linear resolution, chordality and ascent of clutters, 12th Seminar on Commutative Algebra, IPM, Tehran, Iran, 11-12 November 2015.
(with A. Nikseresht) On generalizations of cycles and chordal graphs to clutters of higher dimensions, The 7-th SEAMS-UGM, 2015 International Conference on Mathematics and Its Applications, Indonesia, August 18-21, 2015.
Steps on classification of monomial ideals with linear resolution, Workshop on Computational Differential Algebra, IPM, Tehran, Iran, 21-25 June 2014. (Invited Lecturer)
Constructive algebra: a method for teaching higher algebra, Challenges of Mathematical Education, University of California, Irvine, USA, 27-29 January 2014. (Invited Speaker)
(with A. Madadi) Perfect matching of 3-uniform hypergraphs, 5th Conference on Algebraic Combinatorics and Graph Theory, University of Kashan, Kashan, Iran, July 2012.
(with M. Morales , A. Yazdan Pour) Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity under reduction processes on graphs and hypergraphs, 5th Conference on Algebraic Combinatorics and Graph Theory, University of Kashan, Kashan, Iran, July 2012.
(with S. Faghfouri, J. Hossein Pour) Hilbert series of zero-dimensional ideals with 2 and 3 variables, The 43rd Annual Iranian Mathematics Conference, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran, 27-30 August 2012.
(with M. Morales, A. Yazdan Pour) Resolution of Ideals which are Minimal to d-linearity, The 43rd Annual Iranian Mathematics Conference, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran, 27-30 August 2012.