Study on the mutual influence of the moiré technique and singular optics
Including formulation and characterization of the moiré patterns of wide classes of gratings consisting topological defects or having slowly varying parameters and investigation of possible applications of the moiré technique in the singular optics.

Near and far-field diffractions from 2D Structures
Investigation of near and far-field diffractions from 2D periodic or semi-periodic, orthogonal or skew-angle structures, having or without topological defects, separable or non-separable in various coordinate systems and their possible applications.
Non-diffracting, Accelerating, and Self-healing Radial Beams
Investigating the diffraction from radial structures and illustrating some fantastic features of the diffraction from radial structures, including: Transverse plane Talbot carpet, curved boundaries between the optical regimes, Arago-Poisson-like spot, and generating spatially asymmetric, radial carpet, petallike, and twisted-intensity ringlike vortex beams.

Interdisciplinary Research on Fluid Dynamics
Optical measurements in interdisciplinary topics of Soft Matter and Fluid Mechanics including: Determination of surface profile of a forced and stationary water vortex using fringe reflectometry (This work is being done as collaboration with Professor J. J. Niemela from the ICTP), Measurement of thin film thickness, Study of spreading non-viscous drop on a viscous substrate, and etc.
Designing and constructing Optical devices
Designing and constructing new devices for optical measurements/detections (Including a long-range and most precise displacement sensor, a vibrometer for laser disk characterization, an upgraded moiré based seismometer, a meteorological visiometer, and designing and constructing a device for demonstration of turbulence. The latter will be built at the ICTP with some supports may be provided by the SPIE.)

Display Characterizations
Characterizations of the display monitors and imaging systems including CCD cameras by investigation of the unwanted moiré patterns produced in the imaging/displaying of a given periodic pattern by these devises.
Vision and Illusory Motions
The human vision perception studies (I have recently involved with illusory motions by composition of different patterns of defected circular and radial gratings. We are looking for any applications of these patterns in the human visual perception).

Thermal Lensing
Materials thermal nonlinearity study by thermal lensing effect.
Granted Research Projects:
1- Manipulating hot plasma with non-uniform alternating magnetic fields, Dr. Reza Shirsavar is working on the project as a postdoc researcher,
Supported by the Iran National Elite Foundation under grant No. 5/74298 (October 2023- October 2024).
2- Near-field diffraction of vortex beams with non-zero radial indices from 2D periodic structures of various profiles and angles, Supported by the Iran National Science Foundation (INSF) under grant No. 4020609 (June 2023 – May 2024).
3- Spectral changes of polychromatic light in diffraction from linear and radial gratings: hyperspectral imaging and applications for structured light, Supported by Ministry of Science, Research and Technology under the MSRT Basic Science Support (June 2021- May 2022).
4- Design, construction, and application of new kinds of modified linear phase gratings with additional phase factor dictated on their phase terms, Supported by the Iran National Science Foundation (INSF) under grant No. 99002408 (Feb. 2021- Jan. 2022).
5- A comprehensive formulation of the diffraction of optical vortices from amplitude and phase periodic structures in the Cartesian and polar coordinates and some novel applications, Supported by the Iran National Science Foundation (INSF) under grant No. 98019152 (2020-2022).
6- Propagation of Radial Carpet Beams Through Atmospheric Turbulence, Supported by the Iran National Science Foundation (INSF) under grant No. 98003325 (2019-2020).
7- Investigating white light Talbot carpet, Dr. Saeed Hamzeloui is working on the project as a postdoc researcher, Supported by the Iran National Elite Foundation under grant No. 15386 (November 2017- November 2018).
8- Development of the use of moiré technique in singular optics, Dr. Mohammad Yeganeh was worked on the project as a postdoc researcher, Supported by the Iran National Science Foundation (INSF) under grant No. 95001286 (Feb. 2016- Sep. 2018).
9- Far and near field diffractions from the periodic structures consisting phase singularities, Supported by the Institute for Advanced Studies in Basic Sciences (IASBS), Research Council under grant No. G2016IASBS12632 (2016-2017).
10- Study of optical properties and dynamics of the nano-fluid using moiré deflectometry and spatial phase shifting of the moiré fringes, Supported by the Institute for Advanced Studies in Basic Sciences (IASBS), Research Council under grant No. G2015IASBS12632 (2015-2016).
11- Study of optical properties and dynamics of the nano-fluid using moiré wavefront sensor in the pump-probe configuration, Supported by the Institute for Advanced Studies in Basic Sciences (IASBS), Research Council under grant No. G2014IASBS12632 (2014-2015).
12- Study of anisotropy in the atmospheric turbulence by using four apertures DIMM and 2-channel moiré deflectometry methods, Supported by the Institute for Advanced Studies in Basic Sciences (IASBS), Research Council under grant No. G2012IASBS107 (2012-2013).
13- Determination of inner and outer scales and inertial range of the atmospheric turbulence, Supported by the Institute for Advanced Studies in Basic Sciences (IASBS), Research Council under grant No. G2011IASBS107 (2011-2012).
14- Designing and constructing of a moiré lensometer, Supported by Iran’s National Elites Foundation (INEF), Zanjan Branch, 2011.
15- Use of a moiré deflectometer on a telescope to measure deviations from a Kolmogorov phase spectrum in atmospheric turbulence, Supported by the Institute for Advanced Studies in Basic Sciences (IASBS), Research Council under grant No. G2010IASBS107 (2010-2011).
16- Application of the moiré deflectometry to the measurement of the wave-front distortions, designing and construction of a moiré wave-front sensor, Support by the Institute for Advanced Studies in Basic Sciences (IASBS), Research Council under grant No. G2009IASBS107 (2009-2010).
17- Inter universities project No. 31303371, Designing and constructing optical measuring systems and testing the optical devises and instruments, (supported by Tehran University), 2005- 2006.
18- Fiber optics perform testing, (supported by Zanjan telecommunication Center, Tehran telecommunication research Center, and …), 2003- 2005.
19- Measurement of the amplitude of the vibrations of large-scale structures, like bridge by moiré technique (supported by IASBS), 2002- 2003.
20- Study and measuring of fiber perform parameters, (supported by Zanjan telecommunication Center), 2001-2003.
21- Design and construction a device for displaying and measuring wavy defects in sheet glasses (supported by IASBS), 2001-2002.
22- Study of point and linear defects in transparent materials by moiré technique, (supported by IASBS), 2000-2001.
23- Using dichromated gelatin as sensitive material for holography (supported by IASBS), 1998-1999.