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Abstract submission: May.17.2022

  • Enzymes in non-conventional media
  • Water and enzyme
  • Enzyme engineering
  • Enzyme inhibitors

Registration deadline May. 17, 2022.  Registration is closed.
The "5th International and 7th national IASBS Symposium in Biological Sciences:Frontiers in Enzymology" will be virtually held on 19 May 2022, at IASBS, Zanjan Iran.The theme of the conference will be "Frontiers in Enzymology". Considering the critical roles and applications of enzymes in various fields and industries such as pharmaceutical, agricultural, food, detergents, etc. and theirdeterminant impacts on solvingvarious environmental and industrial challenges,the Symposium will embrace these topics andnational and international speakers will provide online lectures in these area.
last update: May, 18 2022 (v4)