DISKOW (2018-2021):
DISKOW is a European funded research project which aims in facilitating mobility of professionals by means of web and data science in digitalised work 4.0 world. I was initiator of the project and have been involved in the proposal preparation and continue to be involved in the project work. Further information about the project can be found in the project website.
Overall Budget: 450K EUR

DISKOW (2018-2021):
Overall Budget: 5.4M EUR

GRADANA (2016-2018):
GraDAna is a cross-national project bringing together European HEIs and SMEs with HEIs. It aims at curriculum development and staff training in Iran and Europe on the topic of data analytics. The project will last in October 2018. I was initiator of the project and have been involved in the project coordination and management as a support to the project coordinator. Further information about the project can be found in the project website.
Overall Budget: 800K EUR

COMALAT (2014-2017):
I was initiator of the COMALAT project and have been involved in coordination and research activities of the project. COMALAT is about Competence Oriented Multilingual Adaptive Language Assessment and Training System. It is funded under the Erasmus+ Program. Further information can be found in the project website.
Overall Budget: 450K EUR

ComProFITS (2013-2015):
I was initiator of the ComProFITS project and have coordinated the project and also have been involved in its research activities. The ComProFITS project is about Competence Profiling Framework for IT sector in Spain. It is funded under the Tranfer of Innovation (ToI) call in the context of Leonardo da Vinci action in the frame of European Lifelong Learning Programme (LLP). Further information can be found in the project website.
Overall Budget: 450K EUR
EDUWORKS (2013-2017):
I have been involved in initiation and a member of local project management team of the Eduworks project at the University of Siegen. The EDUWORKS project is about crossing borders in the comprehensive investigation of labor market matching processes. It is funded under Seventh Framework Programme (FP7), Marie Curie Initial Training Network (ITN). Further information can be found in the project website.
Overall Budget: 4.5M EUR