I obtained my diploma in Mathematics & physicsin 2011 from NODET high school (National Organization for Development of Exceptional Talents, a special school in Iran which registers students via anation-wide entrance exam). Afterwards, I received my B.Sc. from Computer Science and Information Technology department, Institute for advance studies inbasic Sciences (IASBS), Zanjan, Iran, in 2016. Currently I am a master student ofcomputer science at IASBS in Zanjan, Iran. I am researching in the field of computational geometry undersupervision of Dr. Mansoor Davoodi Monfared.
I am a self-educated, fast learner programmer, That working as a full stack developer. I'm working as a freelancer from 2012. I also worked in HeGZa (Hamrah Gostar-e Zarrin afagh) from 2014 for one year and in Maps (Mojtama'e Pars Samaneha-e danesh Pouya) -Zanjan branch- for 14 month from 2015. From 2013 to 2016 I worked on our startup called Padpors.