About Me

My name is Mahsa Asghari. I was born in 1998 in Babol, Iran.
I am a C.Ph.D. student of physics and currently, I am working on my Ph.D. thesis entitled on "Remote Sensing and Measurement by
Secondary Speckle Analysis".
My supervisor is Dr. Alireza Moradi.


Sep 2016 - Persent
C.Ph.D. of Physics (Major of Optics)
 Institute for Advanced Studies in Basic Sciences (IASBS)
Department of Physics, Zanjan, Iran.


"Remote Sensing and Measurement by Secondary Speckle Analysis"
M. Asghari, A. R. Moradi
16th Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference, 2022, Ankara, Turkey.

"Remote detection of electric current flowing in wires by laser speckle analysis"
E. Nazari, K. Rezaei, M. Asghari, V. F. Rad. A. R. Moradi


Conferences and Workshops: 24th and 25th School of Physics, IASBS, Zanjan.
1st HSE at Optics Lab Workshop, IASBS, Zanjan.
Reviewer: Measurement