IASBS Sections
Center for Research in Climate Change and Global Warming (CRCC)
CRCC Section

Among the many bounties of the age of enlightenment is the conceptualization of modern sciences and the emergence of energy-hungry industries in the 17th century and beyond. Together, they have improved the quality of life all over the world and increased the Planet's population from a bare 900 million in the closing decades of the 19th century to 7.5 billion in the early years of the 21st century. This huge leap in population and drastic changes in lifestyles that followed, however, have taken place at the expense of the depletion of the Planet's resources and, regrettably, degradation of its ecosystems. Up to three decades ago, a tacit assumption among the scientists, industrialists, statesmen, etc., was that there was no limit to the Earth’s resources and the human impact on the environment was insignificant. Evidently, this is not the case. It is now widely realized that the resources all living species depend upon may end sooner or later, and may leave the lives of their present and future generations in jeopardy. The World is becoming increasingly environment– conscious and is asking for the helping hand of any and all of its inhabitants to behave in a way to ensure the continued existence of a sustainable environment and to leave a sustained Planet for the future generations of the living species. By its founding documents, IASBS is an institute for research and higher education in basic sciences and is well prepared to delve into various aspects of the climate and its ups and downs. In response to the National and International calls to contribute to this understanding, IASBS has created the Center for Research in Climate Change and Global Warming (CRCC). Inaugurated in the Fall 2012, CRCC in its first phase of activity tries to coordinate and support the climate- and environment-related activities of the scientists in IASBS and in the greater Zanjan Province. Once this is achieved, CRCC will define and set up climate oriented research projects and facilities. CRCC operates under the auspices of IASBS and is supported by the Research Department of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology. Let us wish the best for CRCC. Professor Y. Sobouti, Founder of IASBS Zanjan, September 2012

Prof. Yousef Sobouti

(Director of the Center for Research in Climate Change and Global Warming(CRCC))

In response to the National and International calls to contribute to this understanding, IASBS has created the Center for Research in Climate Change and Global Warming (CRCC). Inaugurated in the Fall 2012, CRCC in its first phase of activity tries to coordinate and support the climate- and environment-related activities of the scientists in IASBS and in the greater Zanjan Province.

ECOSF and UISMS jointly hosted a Lecture on Popularising Mathematics and Science by Prof. Yousef Sobouti

ECOSF and UISMS jointly hosted a Lecture on Popularising Mathematics and Science by Prof. Yousef Sobouti

July 25, 2023 - As part of the Lecture Series on Popularizing Mathematics and Science, jointly hosted by the ECO Science Foundation (ECOSF) and the Union of Iranian Societies of Mathematical Sciences (UIMS), Prof. Yousef Sobouti delivered a captivating and inspiring talk.

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