IASBS Centers and Labs
Department of Earth Sciences
Earth Department


A number of hardware and software facilities are at the service of educational and research activities of the department. The department is equipped with the following geophysical instruments:

  • 2 SYNTREX-ENVI proton magnetometers
  • 2 GEM GSM-19 magnetometers with gradiometer
  • 1 SYSCAL-R1 resistivity-meter and IP equipment
  • 11 medium- and broad-band Guralp CMG-3ESP seismometers
  • 3 Trimble 5700 GPS receivers with Zephyr geodetic antennas and RTK capability
  • 1 DMT Summit II compact 24 channel seismic system with both P and S geophones.

The geophysics group has a dedicated computational lab for geophysical data processing. The lab is used for educational and research purposes. It is equipped with Linux machines and a pool of geophysical software, such as the seismic data processing packages of SEISAN, Seismic Handler, Seismic Unix, SAC, GMT, GIS databases and data processors, the potential fields data processing package Geosoft, and various Fortran codes for simulation of fluid dynamical problems.

In addition, the geophysics group has full access to the main computer network of IASBS, which serves over 300 Linux and Window clients through an integrated LAN. Furthermore, two clusters of serial and parallel machines (with 16 and 32 nodes, respectively) serve the computational needs of the faculty and students of IASBS.

Developed by the IASBS Computer Centre