News and Conferences

Students benefiting from IASBS Science Ambassadors project exceed 3,000

Efforts made by the staff of IASBS Science House together with the policies of the management of the Institute for Advanced Studies in Basic Sciences (IASBS) have resulted in the number of school students benefiting from the services of IASBS’s Science Ambassadors project exceeding 3,200.

In the IASBS Science Ambassadors project, some members of IASBS Science House visit rural or less-privileged urban schools in Zanjan province and try to convey some basic concepts of basic sciences to school students by doing science experiment demos and try to use tangible, attractive, and purposeful methods to make them interested in the basic sciences and study in related academic fields.

In view of the importance of promoting justice-oriented education in all parts of the country, especially the need to discover talents in less-privileged areas and to guide them towards studying in basic sciences, the Science Ambassadors project was put on the agenda of the IASBS’s centre for promoting the basic sciences, IASBS Science House, in September 2022 under the orders of the IASBS President.

Tue, 30 Apr 2024

Students benefiting from IASBS Science Ambassadors project exceed 3,000
Students benefiting from IASBS Science Ambassadors project exceed 3,000
Students benefiting from IASBS Science Ambassadors project exceed 3,000
Students benefiting from IASBS Science Ambassadors project exceed 3,000
Students benefiting from IASBS Science Ambassadors project exceed 3,000
Students benefiting from IASBS Science Ambassadors project exceed 3,000
Students benefiting from IASBS Science Ambassadors project exceed 3,000
Students benefiting from IASBS Science Ambassadors project exceed 3,000
Students benefiting from IASBS Science Ambassadors project exceed 3,000
Students benefiting from IASBS Science Ambassadors project exceed 3,000
Students benefiting from IASBS Science Ambassadors project exceed 3,000

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