News and Conferences

Ceremony to mark first Car-Free-Day at IASBS

In a symbolic gesture, the President, managers, and other members of the university arrived at the IASBS campus on foot or on bicycles leaving their cars at home. Before the opening hours, a group of IASBS members engaged in riding bicycles, walking, and morning exercise under the supervision of an expert in physical medicine.
Members of Zanjaan’s media including Zanjaan’s Radio and Television Centre,  IRNA, ISNA, Fars, and Mehr news networks, and the Mardomeh No (New People), Sedaayeh Zanjaan (The Voice of Zanjaan), and Shahaabeh Zanjaan (The Shooting Star of Zanjaan) newspapers had been invited to the Institute to participate in the different activities.
Every Tuesday is designated “Car-Free-Day at the Institute for Advanced Studies in Basic Sciences” during which IASBS members, including the President, managers, faculty, personnel, and students will do their best not to commute in their cars. Celebrating Car-Free-Day is a cultural campaign to spread the idea of green management at the Institute for Advanced Studies in Basic Sciences.

Tue, 27 Aug 2019

Ceremony to mark first Car-Free-Day at IASBS

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