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Institute for Advanced Studies in Basic Sciences (IASBS)
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Institute for Advanced Studies in Basic Sciences (IASBS)
444 Prof. Yousef Sobouti Blvd.,
Zanjan 45137-66731, Iran
Postal Code 45137-66731
F: +98 24 3315 5142
T: +98 24 3315 1000
Room: 160 Physics Dept.
T: +98 24 3315 3875
E: publicrelations[at]
Room: 158 Mathematics Department
T: +98 24 3315 5158
E: iasbs_z[at]
A research group from IASBS led by Dr Hosein Haghi in collaboration with astronomers from the University of Bonn in Germany has shown that the internal dynamics of the ultra-diffused galaxy NGC 1052-DF44 can be understood within the framework of Milgromian dynamics (MOND) without invoking any dark matter at all. They found that the required stellar mass to explain the dynamics of this galaxy is remarkably consistent with the standard theories of formation and evolution of galaxies.
Quite recently a research group led by Prof Van Dokkum at Yale University in the USA had claimed that this galaxy should be teeming with dark matter at a mass of around 30 times its stellar mass in order to be able to describe its internal dynamics correctly.
The results of this study obtained in collaboration with Dr Akram Hasani Zonoozi and Mr Vahid Amiri at the Physics Department in the IASBS are published in Astrophysical Journal Letters which is one of the top journals in astrophysics with an impact factor of 8.4.
Link to the paper:
Sun, 13 Oct 2019
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