The Computer Center is on the second floor of the Physics Department (next to the Physics computer site). This Center provides the following services to the members of the university.
Torkaman Library was established in 1993. It contains a useful combination of specialized and general books, bilingual dictionaries, and specialized and general encyclopedias.
The Education Office comes under the Education and Research Department. Its main job is to manage the educational affairs of the students from registration to graduation.
Institute for Advanced Studies in Basic Sciences (IASBS)
444 Prof. Yousef Sobouti Blvd.,
Zanjan 45137-66731, Iran
Postal Code 45137-66731
F: +98 24 3315 5142
T: +98 24 3315 1000
Feild Of The University President
T: +98 24 3315 3875
E: publicrelations[at]
E: international[at]
Room: Mathematics Department,Department Of Administrative Affairs
T: +98 24 3315 5158
Institute for Advanced Studies in Basic Sciences (IASBS)
444 Prof. Yousef Sobouti Blvd.,
Zanjan 45137-66731, Iran
Postal Code 45137-66731
F: +98 24 3315 5142
T: +98 24 3315 1000
Room: 160 Physics Dept.
T: +98 24 3315 3875
E: publicrelations[at]
Room: 158 Mathematics Department
T: +98 24 3315 5158
E: iasbs_z[at]
The Knowledge-Based Company, Fath Noor Mihan (established in 2012 and located in the Science and Technology Park at IASBS) has introduced a 3D Optical Nano Profilometer during the Research and Technology week. The product, which is an advanced optical-based nano-scale 3D measurement instrument, has been designed and manufactured by an expert team of university professors, researchers, and PhD students. The process of designing and producing the product lasted five years. 3D Optical Nano Profilometer works on the basis of white light microscopic interferometry and phase-shifting interferometry and measures the shape and roughness of a given surface with nanometer-resolution. High measurement speed, high resolution with a wide scope, high repeatability at nano-scales, high cost-efficiency, its non-destructive operation, and the ability to work in reflection mode are some of the features of this innovative product.
The capability of non-destructively determining the shape, roughness, and waviness of a given sample with high precision makes the 3D Optical Nano Profilometer very useful for many applications, including in biology, physics, microelectronics, mechanics, 3D imaging, metallurgy, aviation, steam turbines, car manufacturing, etc.
Wed, 30 Dec 2020
Developed by the IASBS Computer Centre