News and Conferences

IASBS’s Central Lab Liaison Officer wins 2nd place among central lab liaisons in nation’s Strategic Technologies Laboratory Network

The IASBS’s Executive Director of Administration and Support and the Central Laboratory Liaison Officer, Mr Abbas Biglari, has won the second place among the best central laboratory liaison officers who are members of the country's Strategic Technologies Laboratory Network on the basis of his performance and progress in 2023. He achieved this position among the 850 liaison officers of the nation’s Strategic Technologies Laboratory Network. Each year, the Strategic Technologies Laboratory Network examines and ranks the central laboratories and  their liaison officer on the basis of their performance and the services rendered. For more information on the ranking of the Strategic Technologies Laboratory Network, visit the website of the central laboratories that are members of the Strategic Technologies Laboratory Network.

The IASBS President has congratulated the IASBS members, especially the directors and experts working at the IASBS Central Laboratory, and particularly their liaison officer, and has wished them success in all fields of science and knowledge.

Sat, 07 Sep 2024

IASBS’s Central Lab Liaison Officer wins 2nd place among central lab liaisons in nation’s Strategic Technologies Laboratory Network

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