

Dr Nahid Azimi new Head of Physics
Dr Nahid Azimi new Head of Physics

Dr Nahid Azimi new Head of Physics

The IASBS President Prof Babak Karimi has appointed Dr Nahid Azimi as the new Head of the Physics Department.

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ECOSF and UISMS jointly hosted a Lecture on Popularising Mathematics and Science by Prof. Yousef Sobouti
ECOSF and UISMS jointly hosted a Lecture on Popularising Mathematics and Science by Prof. Yousef Sobouti

ECOSF and UISMS jointly hosted a Lecture on Popularising Mathematics and Science by Prof. Yousef Sobouti

July 25, 2023 - As part of the Lecture Series on Popularizing Mathematics and Science, jointly hosted by the ECO Science Foundation (ECOSF) and the Union of Iranian Societies of Mathematical Sciences (UIMS), Prof. Yousef Sobouti delivered a captivating and inspiring talk.

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MoU signed on educational, research and technological cooperation with Zanjan province Met Office
MoU signed on educational, research and technological cooperation with Zanjan province Met Office

MoU signed on educational, research and technological cooperation with Zanjan province Met Office

A memorandum of understanding on educational, research and technological cooperation has been signed between the Meteorological Department of Zanjan province and the IASBS. The MoU was signed on Monday, 17 July 2023.

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Reopening of IASBS Observatory concurrent with the transit of Mercury across the Sun
Reopening of IASBS Observatory concurrent with the transit of Mercury across the Sun

Reopening of IASBS Observatory concurrent with the transit of Mercury across the Sun

The IASBS Student Astronomy Group, Heliya, has organised a zworkshop on the transit of the planet Mercury across the Sun with the collaboration of the Ava Star Centre from Tehran. Concurrent with this rare astronomical event, which took place on 11 November 2019, the IASBS Observatory was reopened under its new Director, our own local cosmologist, Dr Encieh Erfani, an Assistant Professor of Physics at the Department of Physics.

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