
M.Sc. Defense

Reducing the Risk of Negative Knowledge Transfer in Transfer Learning

Naser Niroumand - Department of Information Technology and Computer
2019-07-24 11:00
Place: Torkaman Lecture Hall

Ph.D. Defense

Interatomic Potentials based on Artificial Neural Network: Structural and Thermal Properties of Matters

Hossein Tahmasbi - Physics Department
2019-07-23 14:00
Place: University Amphitheater

M.Sc. Defense

Structural variations across the Makran accretionary wedge

Hamid Aghdamirad - Earth Sciences Department
2019-07-22 16:00
Place: Torkaman Lecture Hall

M.Sc. Defense

Study of the subduction structure in western Makran using body waves travel time teleseismic tomography

Hamidreza Momeni - Earth Sciences Department
2019-07-22 14:00
Place: Torkaman Lecture Hall

M.Sc. Defense

The north Zagros crustal structure from teleseismic reflected P phase

Maryam Talebi Anbohi - Earth Sciences Department
2019-07-22 11:00
Place: Torkaman Lecture Hall

Ph.D. Defense

1) Kinetic study of the oxidation and photooxidation reactions catalyzed by porphyrin derivatives 2) Application of porphyrin derivatives modified at the meso position in nanostructured titanium dioxide-based dye sensitized solar cells

Raheleh Nasrollahi - Chemistry Department
2019-07-22 10:30
Place: University Amphitheater

M.Sc. Defense

The Fractal Basin Boundary in the Dynamical System

Aliasghar Janalizade Javan - Physics Department
2019-07-21 14:00
Place: Science House Amphitheater

M.Sc. Defense

Robot Pose Estimation in Known Static Environments

Elham Zarezadeh - Department of Information Technology and Computer
2019-07-21 11:00
Place: Science House Amphitheater

M.Sc. Defense

Provenances and Tectonic Setting of the Lower and the Upper Red Formations, in the MahneshanArea, Central Iranian Basin

Zeynab Alimoula - Earth Sciences Department
2019-07-20 14:00
Place: Torkaman Lecture Hall

M.Sc. Defense

Characterization of hydraulic head measurements and aquifer properties in the Salmas Plain, Iran, from InSAR observations

Saeedeh Shahbazi - Earth Sciences Department
2019-07-16 14:30
Place: Torkaman Lecture Hall

M.Sc. Defense

Study of subsidence of Maragheh-Bonab plain by combining interferometry and hydrogeology and prediction of subsidence over the next few years

Nasim Mortazavi - Earth Sciences Department
2019-07-16 11:00
Place: Science House Amphitheater

M.Sc. Defense

Optimization optical sensor based on surface plasmon resonance in periodic metallic nano-structure metal using finite elements method (FEM)

Soraya Aliyari - Physics Department
2019-07-14 16:00
Place: Torkaman Lecture Hall

M.Sc. Defense

Kinematic Analysis of the Main Fault in the Cenozoic Formations in Avaj-Ajan Area

Seyed Erfan Babaee - Earth Sciences Department
2019-07-13 14:30
Place: Torkaman Lecture Hall

M.Sc. Defense

Numerical Analysis for Dynamical Models of HTLV-I Infection

Zeynab Rezaee - Mathematics Department
2019-07-10 16:00
Place: Science House Amphitheater

M.Sc. Defense

Nanoscale Insights into the Structure and Transport Properties of the Ionic Liquid [TBP][Lys] and its Mixture with CO2:A Molecular Dynamics Study

Leila Khoeini - Chemistry Department
2019-07-10 14:00
Place: Torkaman Lecture Hall

M.Sc. Defense

Investigation of antibacterial activity of cathelicidin using molecular dynamics simulation

Mahshid Danesh - Biological Sciences Department
2019-07-10 14:00
Place: Science House Amphitheater

M.Sc. Defense

Investigation of Diffusion of Colloidal Particles by Differential Dynamic Microscopy (DDM)

Nikta Jabbarzadeh - Physics Department
2019-07-10 14:00
Place: University Amphitheater

M.Sc. Defense

Upper Crustal Seismic Anisotropy Study in the Southeastern Termination of the Zagros Mountains

Mohsen Ranjbar Hajee Abadi - Earth Sciences Department
2019-07-10 11:00
Place: Torkaman Lecture Hall

M.Sc. Defense

Diphosphine-Bridged Platinum(II) Complexes Derived from Luminescent Cycloplatinted Homologues: Investigation on PtPt Interaction

Morteza Nazari - Chemistry Department
2019-07-10 10:00
Place: Science House Amphitheater

M.Sc. Defense

Heating mechanism of geothermal system in the north Zanjan, Iran: hydrogeophysics and stable isotopes

Raana Hassanpour - Earth Sciences Department
2019-07-10 09:00
Place: Torkaman Lecture Hall

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