
News Archive

IASBS Board of Directors meets students on web
IASBS Board of Directors meets students on web

IASBS Board of Directors meets students on web

The IASBS Board of Directors has met with IASBS students. In an interactive virtual session held on Wednesday morning, 8 July 2020, the IASBS Board of Directors met with the IASBS students to establish more effective communication and to promote more active participation by the student body in order to improve the administrative process and education and research in the fight against the Covid-19 pandemic.

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IASBS Student wins 2nd place in Poetry Section of Cultural “COVID-19 Semester” Competitions
IASBS Student wins 2nd place in Poetry Section of Cultural “COVID-19 Semester” Competitions

IASBS Student wins 2nd place in Poetry Section of Cultural “COVID-19 Semester” Competitions

An IASBS PhD Student of organic chemistry has won the 2nd place in the Poetry Section of the grand national “COVID-19 Semester” Competitions on Arts, Literature and Mental Health offered to university students across the country.

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Webinar on “Support Mechanisms of the National Foundation for the Talented” held at IASBS
Webinar on “Support Mechanisms of the National Foundation for the Talented” held at IASBS

Webinar on “Support Mechanisms of the National Foundation for the Talented” held at IASBS

A Webinar has been held at the IASBS to allow talented universities students throughout the country to get to know various support mechanisms available to them by the National Foundation for the Talented. The Webinar entitled “Support Mechanisms of the National Foundation for the Talented” was held at the IASBS on Tuesday, 30 June 2020 at 18:00 local time.

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IASBS Computer Centre employee wins 3rd place in 1st Virtual Sports Olympiad held among Zanjaan Province universities
IASBS Computer Centre employee wins 3rd place in 1st Virtual Sports Olympiad held among Zanjaan Province universities

IASBS Computer Centre employee wins 3rd place in 1st Virtual Sports Olympiad held among Zanjaan Province universities

The IASBS Computer Centre employee, Mrs Masoudeh Aabedi, has won the 3rd place in the Sit Ups Section of the 1st Virtual Sports Olympiad held among Zanjaan Province universities.

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IASBS faculty publishes paper in The Lancet
IASBS faculty publishes paper in The Lancet

IASBS faculty publishes paper in The Lancet

Dr Mahdi Bohluli, a faculty member of the Department of Computer Science and Information Technology, has succeeded, in collaboration with a large number of scientists from all over the world working in the fields of medicine and data science, to publish the results of their work in THE LANCET.

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IASBS Internet Radio launched in Teacher Appreciation Week
IASBS Internet Radio launched in Teacher Appreciation Week

IASBS Internet Radio launched in Teacher Appreciation Week

The IASBS Internet Radio has been launched in Teacher Appreciation Week to help increase connection among the members of the University during the Covid-19 pandemic. The IASBS Internet Radio, which is the result of an initiative by the student body started work by broadcasting its first podcast.

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Need to plan for distance/virtual viva
Need to plan for distance/virtual viva

Need to plan for distance/virtual viva

The Ministry of Science, Research and Technology has held a webinar in which the university chancellors and heads of research institutes throughout the country have taken part. In this nationwide video conference, which was held on Sunday, 12 April 2020, mechanisms to achieve educational and research goals and the need to plan for them were discussed under the prevailing conditions of prevention, control, and fight against the coronavirus.

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Dr Saifollah Rasuli appointed the Head of the National Elites Foundation in Zanjan Province
Dr Saifollah Rasuli appointed the Head of the National Elites Foundation in Zanjan Province

Dr Saifollah Rasuli appointed the Head of the National Elites Foundation in Zanjan Province

Dr Saifollah Rasuli, an Associate Professor of Physics at the Physics Department in the IASBS has been appointed as the Head of the National Elites Foundation in Zanjan Province.

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Notice #2: prevention and control of the spread of coronavirus
Notice #2: prevention and control of the spread of coronavirus

Notice #2: prevention and control of the spread of coronavirus

In order to prevent and control the spread of coronavirus and allay the concerns of the students and their families, and following the resolutions of the National Headquarters for Fight against Coronavirus, all face-to-face educational activities at the Institute for Advanced Studies in Basic Sciences (IASBS) that were scheduled for next week (29 February to 5 March) are hereby cancelled. The administrative and research activities of the faculty and those students who do not reside in the dormitories will continue as usual while taking all necessary precautions.

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First PhD student day was held in the Department of Earth Sciences
First PhD student day was held in the Department of Earth Sciences

First PhD student day was held in the Department of Earth Sciences

The first round of the Geophysical PhD students' day at the Department of Earth Sciences was held on February 29 and 30 at the Chemistry Amphitheater in the morning and afternoon sessions, in the form of doctoral seminars. In this seminar, PhD students presented their latest research findings and their results were discussed by faculty members. The seminars were managed by Dr. Zohreh Masoumi. At the end, the presentation of Ms. Maryam Akbarzadeh and Mr. Reza Zeinadin Meymand were selected as the top seminars and were awarded a prize. The Earth Science department intends to continue this process in the coming semesters. The presenters and their topics are as follows: 1) Maryam Akbarzadeh: Investigation of scismotectonics of Makran region using local network data, 2) Zahra Zarounizadeh: Inversion by Markov Chain Monte Carlo Method in Bayesian Analysis, 3) Reza Zeinadin Meymand: Structural model of shear wave velocity in Makran subduction zone, 4) Meysam Amiri: Study of inter-seismic coupling in subduction zones by geodetic methods, 5) Reza Dousti: The effect of mechanical boundary conditions on subduction pattern by numerical simulation 6) Shiva Arvin: Study of crustal and upper mantle structure in the western Alborz and the Buinzahra region using P and S receiver functions 7) Najmeh Ajorlou: Characterizing surface deformation in the 1990 Rudbar earthquake using optical image processing 8) Matin Khaledzadeh: Thermal modeling of the Makran subducting structure 9) Ali Mehrdar: Estimation of Experimental Green's Function Using Environmental Noise

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