A 3-day fair has been held in the Cultural Complex in Zanjaan’s former Match Factory to put on display arts and crafts by the female faculty, staff, and students at different universities in Zanjaan Province.
Read moreResearchers at the Computer Sciences and IT Department led by Dr Ebrahim Ansari and Dr Parvin Razzaghi have designed a system called “An intelligent safety system for human-centred semi-autonomous vehicles” whose main aim is to prevent accidents that occur when the driver is tired, sleepy, or distracted.
Read moreThe Department of Physics is hosting a renowned theoretical physicist and former director of the Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics (IUCCA), India, Prof Naresh Dadhich, for one month starting on 26 October 2019.
Read moreIn Iran, about 4.7% of the babies are born with peripheral hearing impairment, which is higher than the global average. There is also hearing impairment in the elderly. It was with these groups in mind that the main idea behind the AvaNama software took shape in 2015 by a research group at the Department of Computer Science and Information Technology under the supervision of Dr Mansoor Davoodi. The first version of AvaNama was released in autumn 2019 compatible with both Windows and Android operating systems.
Read moreThe 3rd International TRIGGER Conference was held from 8 to 10 October 2019 at the Institute for Advanced Studies in Basic Sciences in various fields of geology. The French associate member of TRIGGER, Prof Philip Agard, also took part in the conference.
Read moreThe IASBS Science Home is to hold an Exhibition that is expected to be visited by school students at all levels in the Province of Zanjaan. Targeting school students, the exhibition intends to familiarise children and adolescents with the activities of the IASBS Science Home.
Read moreAn article has been published by Professor Yousef Sobouti in the 122nd edition of Negaah-e-Nou (New Look) Journal in summer 2019 entitled “Why does the Earth warm up?”. Here is an excerpt,
Read moreIASBS students are invited to gather in Torkamaan Lecture Hall on Tuesday 2 Mehr
Read moreThe admitted Discrete PhD and MSc applicants will be registered based on the schedule.
Read moreIn a resolution passed by the IASBS Audit Board in its meeting on 15 May 2019, the following members of Faculty staff have been promoted to Associate Professor
Read moreDeveloped by the IASBS Computer Centre