

Commemoration of Lieutenant-General Soleimaani’s martyrdom and tragic loss of Ukrainian airline passengers
Commemoration of Lieutenant-General Soleimaani’s martyrdom and tragic loss of Ukrainian airline passengers

Commemoration of Lieutenant-General Soleimaani’s martyrdom and tragic loss of Ukrainian airline passengers

A ceremony was held in the Chemistry Lecture Hall at the IASBS on Monday, 17 February 2020 to commemorate the 40th day of the martyrdom of Lieutenant-General Haaj Ghaasem Soleimaani and the tragic loss of the Ukrainian airline passengers.

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Reopening of IASBS Observatory concurrent with the transit of Mercury across the Sun
Reopening of IASBS Observatory concurrent with the transit of Mercury across the Sun

Reopening of IASBS Observatory concurrent with the transit of Mercury across the Sun

The IASBS Student Astronomy Group, Heliya, has organised a zworkshop on the transit of the planet Mercury across the Sun with the collaboration of the Ava Star Centre from Tehran. Concurrent with this rare astronomical event, which took place on 11 November 2019, the IASBS Observatory was reopened under its new Director, our own local cosmologist, Dr Encieh Erfani, an Assistant Professor of Physics at the Department of Physics.

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Active participation of IASBS women in “Art & Culture Fair for Women from Zanjaan Universities”
Active participation of IASBS women in “Art & Culture Fair for Women from Zanjaan Universities”

Active participation of IASBS women in “Art & Culture Fair for Women from Zanjaan Universities”

A 3-day fair has been held in the Cultural Complex in Zanjaan’s former Match Factory to put on display arts and crafts by the female faculty, staff, and students at different universities in Zanjaan Province.

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IASBS hosts prominent Indian theoretical physicist
IASBS hosts prominent Indian theoretical physicist

IASBS hosts prominent Indian theoretical physicist

The Department of Physics is hosting a renowned theoretical physicist and former director of the Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics (IUCCA), India, Prof Naresh Dadhich, for one month starting on 26 October 2019.

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IASBS Computer Science student, Amir Reza Mohammadi, ranks in the top 10 in National Golf Championship
IASBS Computer Science student, Amir Reza Mohammadi, ranks in the top 10 in National Golf Championship

IASBS Computer Science student, Amir Reza Mohammadi, ranks in the top 10 in National Golf Championship

The IASBS Master’s student of Computer Science, Amir Reza Mohammadi, has managed to secure a place for himself (under the Golf Federation Handicap System) among the top 10 competitors in the National Golf Championship increasing his chances of getting invited to the National Golf Team.

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An Intelligent Mammogram Assistant System to detect breast cancer patented by IASBS
An Intelligent Mammogram Assistant System to detect breast cancer patented by IASBS

An Intelligent Mammogram Assistant System to detect breast cancer patented by IASBS

The prototype version of an Intelligent Mammogram Assistant System for detecting breast cancer, designed and constructed at the IASBS has now been registered as an invention after passing mandatory tests.

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IASBS granted special ranking for observing citizens’ rights
IASBS granted special ranking for observing citizens’ rights

IASBS granted special ranking for observing citizens’ rights

The Institute for Advanced Studies in Basic Sciences has been deemed eligible to receive special status by a group of inspectors on citizens rights in Zanjaan Province.

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Prof Axel Klein discusses German research funds at IASBS
Prof Axel Klein discusses German research funds at IASBS

Prof Axel Klein discusses German research funds at IASBS

As part of the effort to promote international collaboration the IASBS has invited Prof Axel Klein to give a talk on research opportunities in Germany and the scholarships available to researchers and scholars in other countries.

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Raya Health: A system for automating and monitoring education in cancer prognosis
Raya Health: A system for automating and monitoring education in cancer prognosis

Raya Health: A system for automating and monitoring education in cancer prognosis

Raya Health is a software system designed and developed in collaboration with the IASBS Bioinformatics Lab (under the supervision of Dr Zahra Narimani and Dr Mehdi Vasighi) and the ABC Cancer Research team at Zanjan University of Medical Sciences, with support from the Mehraneh Charity Organisation.

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IASBS President emphasises need to determine hazard levels at high-risk points on urban flood routes in meeting with Managing Director of Zanjaan’s Regional Water Company
IASBS President emphasises need to determine hazard levels at high-risk points on urban flood routes in meeting with Managing Director of Zanjaan’s Regional Water Company

IASBS President emphasises need to determine hazard levels at high-risk points on urban flood routes in meeting with Managing Director of Zanjaan’s Regional Water Company

The IASBS President, Prof Babak Karimi, has met with the Managing Director of Zanjaan’s Regional Water Company, Mr Yousef Rezaapour.

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